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Words never fail in MacIvor double bill by Open Fist Theatre

The playwright offers a contemplation of life and death, experience & memory, honesty & deceit, that make up human existence



Schuyler Mastain, David Shofner, and Scott Roberts in THE SOLDIER DREAMS (Photo Credit: Frank Ishman)

LOS ANGELES – There has long been debate among theatrical scholars about whether going to a play has been traditionally considered an auditory or a visual experience.

The argument goes that, before the advent of modern technology which enabled cinema and other forms of filmed entertainment, the theatre was a place where sound was the primary vehicle by which an audience’s imagination could be transported out of the here and now, and that visual elements such as costumes, props, or mechanical stagecraft were secondary factors meant to reinforce and enhance the effect; for evidence of this, many point to Shakespeare, who in “Hamlet” had his lead character say “we’ll hear a play” (a phrase which was subsequently long-used preferentially by many theatre-goers in his homeland) and whose works are still renowned five-and-a-half centuries later for their masterful use of language to accomplish… well, pretty much everything required, from setting the scene and telling the story to exploring the deepest nooks and crannies of the human psyche.

Though the whole question might seem a bit pedantic in today’s world, it certainly touches on a major difference between the way we experience live theatre and the way we experience a film or television show, one which hinges on the main route these related-but-separate art forms take – through the ears or through the eyes – in transmitting information to the human brain. And if you want a good example of what a difference that difference makes, you couldn’t find a much better illustration than the plays of Candadian wordsmith Daniel MacIvor – two of which are currently being performed by the Open Fist Theatre Company at Atwater Village Theatre.

MacIvor, who is known also as a filmmaker and actor, garnered acclaim in the 1980s and 1990s for a series of plays, crafted in a minimalist style and reliant on an intricately constructed tapestry of words to convey situation, narrative, and intent. Standard conceits of theatrical storytelling, such as a linear flow or the assumption of a fourth wall, are often jettisoned in these works, which invite comparisons to absurdists like Beckett and Pinter and challenge audiences to connect the dots as they go in order to decipher meaning. 

Two of these pieces, both directed with a confident hand by Open Fist’s associate artistic director Amanda Weir, are paired by Open Fist into a brisk and engrossing double bill which leans hard into the award-winning playwright’s unique, meta-theatrical approach to maximum advantage.

The shorter of the two works, “Never Swim Alone,” is the more directly abstract. Taking place on stage that is bare save for a lifeguard stand and two chairs, it presents a ruthless competition of one-upmanship between two men, Frank and Bill (Bryan Bertone and Dylan Maddalena), who demonstrate an escalating series of scenarios under the watchful eye of “The Referee” (Emma Bruno) – a young woman with a secret connection to the boys these men used to be. Slyly witty and unexpectedly suspenseful, it examines the competitive machismo hidden beneath the slick and stylish suits of these two “Type A” businessmen with a dark and scathing sense of humor, as it slowly draws a connection between their never-ending battle for supremacy and the deep trauma of a shared childhood experience.

Originally produced in 1991, the roughly 30-minute exercise taps into the rich vein of toxic masculinity in order to make its points about the deep-seated fears and insecurities that drive so much of what our culture has long accepted as “typical” male behavior, with the two men vying for “points” against each other – awarded, of course, by the female referee, who holds absolute and irrefutable power in the game despite the clear lack of regard with which each of the participants reveals themselves to hold women in general.

It’s unapologetically clever and disarmingly comedic, reveling in its theatricality and its tactics as it explores the men’s rivalry and breaks each confrontation down into the all-too-familiar clichés in which they are mired. The elegant simplicity of its construction, which distills a far-reaching and deep-rooted phenomenon into clear and concise shapshots of social dysfunction, feels as effective today as it surely did over two decades ago.

From a 2021 perspective, however, the subject matter no longer seems as fresh. In the last few years (especially since the “Me Too” movement), the topic of bad male behavior has been rehearsed so frequently, and in so many different and brilliant ways, that many audiences may find themselves getting ahead of the play’s revelations before they fully land, and the conceit which ties the whole thing together – which we’ll not reveal here – may ultimately strike some viewers as too pat an explanation for what makes these men (and presumably, somehow by extension, all of them) tick.

Nevertheless, MacIvor’s wordplay never fails to be crisp and exciting as it trips from the talented tongues of the players (especially the charismatic Bertone and the sublimely expressive Maddalena, who take on the lion’s share of the work), and those who enjoy watching skillful actors engaged in an exercise of their craft are bound to find the pleasures of doing so more than enough to make up for the familiarity of the themes being explored.

More satisfying from a narrative standpoint, and more engaging on an emotional level, is “The Soldier Dreams,” which MacIvor – who is gay – wrote in 1998 as a response to the AIDS crisis. Again, the setting is sparse, suggesting an empty nightclub with a single bed, occupied by an ailing man, facing upstage in the center.

The man is David (David Shofner), who is in the process of dying as his lover Richard (Conor Lane) and dysfunctional family spar with each other over his comatose form, each clinging to their own perceived special relationship with him and examining their memories to find an answer to the lingering mysteries about his life. Meanwhile, David himself is revisiting a secret memory, from years before, involving a one-night stand with a German student (Schuyler Mastain) that may or may not have led to something more important to him than any of the people standing around his soon-to-be deathbed.

Here, the same linguistic tricks used by MacIvor to form the intellectual exercise of “Swim” are employed to illuminate the web of human relationships at the center of a bittersweet story; as a result, they strike us with deeper resonance and more urgency than in the other piece.

Through the myriad pathways of language, the playwright offers a contemplation of life and death, experience and memory, honesty and deceit, and a host of other dualities that make up human existence. There’s sharp humor and cutting observation along the way, along with a fair amount of painful and hard-to-watch bitterness, but it’s all tempered with compassion and the three-dimensional layers revealed by each character as we go, and in the end, we are left in a place of hope – or, at least, of acceptance. And making it all come together, a talented cast succeeds in the essential task of breathing life into MacIvor’s words, with Shofner, Lane, and Mastain as standouts among a solid and capable ensemble.

The two complementary plays continue their run at Atwater Village Theatre through December 12. Check the Open Fist website for performance dates and times.


Arts & Entertainment

GMCLA’s Rhinestone Cowboys to dazzle the stage in upcoming concert

Happening at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills on March 22 and March 23



All artwork and photos courtesy of Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles. (Concert photos by Gregory Zabilski).

The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles is bringing the glitz and the glamour to the stage
along with 200 Chorus members dedicated toward singing and dancing to the most
revolutionary hits in country music. Not that you need one, but this is the perfect excuse
to corral the gays and gals and throw on your rhinestone-studded fits for a night of gay
magic. We know you still have the perfect articles of clothing from Beyonce’s
Renaissance Tour to make a new fit and make an appearance at the Saban.

The Rhinestone Cowboys concert will feature music by Dolly, Reba McEntire, Shania
Twain, Johnny Cash, Chris Stapleton, Taylor Swift and more.

GMCLA will also feature music by the genre’s most beloved allies and queer artists
such as Beyoncé, Brandi Carlile, Shaboozey, Lil Nas X, and Chappell Roan.

Los Angeles Blade had a chance to sit with Lou Spisto, who is the Executive Director &
Producer of GMCLA and catch up on the latest.

“Whether we do Broadway, classical, pop or disco, [the production] is going to have a
sound based on who we are and how we do what we do,” said Spisto. “It’s also going to
have our sensibility and how we sass it up and spin with just a little bit of fairy dust.”

The Rhinestone Cowboys show will feature over 200 of their over 240 members, on
stage throughout various songs – everything from the Cash classics, to the new
Beyonce hits that earned her the Grammy for Best Country Album of the Year.

Spisto was brought on as Executive Director and Producer in early 2019 after the
organization was experiencing financial trouble and began to engage the community and the organization in a fiscal turnaround by going directly to the public, even from the
stage, asking for donations from community, subscribers and the corporate sector. The
turnaround was successfully completed by the end of 2019 and months later COVID-19
forced the shutdown that all the world experienced.

Shortly after GMCLA ‘righted the ship,’ Spisto said, “COVID-19 shut us down and
thankfully, by then, we had enough financial stability to withstand what we may not have
been able to do at that time.”

“Since 2019 and then after the pandemic again, we’ve grown much stronger ,” said
Spisto. “And then COVID-19 happened before the fourth production.” Spisto credits the LA Arts Recovery Fund for giving them the critical support to keep the
organization going through the shutdown and be able to bring the Chorus back.

Four years after the pandemic shut down, Broadway and non-profit theatres are still
struggling to see pre-pandemic attendance levels. Which means, GMCLA is beating the
odds and keeping productions running during times where audience shifts, soaring
prices on everyday items and other issues, limit attendance.

According to a broader arts industry analysis, ‘the last full season before the COVID-19
industry shutdown – the 2018 to 2019 season – saw historic highs in both earnings and
artist work weeks.’ By contrast and because of COVID-19, the ‘2020 to 2021 earnings
and total work weeks dropped to a historic low.’ The latest in the analysis of 2023 to
2024 shows the nation’s theatre productions just beginning to recover from the
pandemic drop in live performances and audience attendance.

GMCLA plans upcoming productions that take over 12 weeks each to rehearse and
produce while it also performs many free community events and school programs . “We
are financially stronger, and that means we have the ability to give back to the
community as well,” said Spisto.

GMCLA recently hosted an event at The Abbey Weho that brought together the community and raised over $7,000 dollars for those who were impacted by the fires that devastated neighborhoods in Los Angeles back in January.

This is just one of the many ways that the Chorus is giving back. GMCLA continues its
work on the current season’s remaining two sets of concerts, finalizing plans for the
2025 GALA in June, creating and developing an exciting season for next year and
keeping its eyes on the 50th season in 2028 and 2029.

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Arts & Entertainment

‘Old Friends’ is a must-see for Sondheim fans

Though some of the material is considered classic Broadway, it all comes off as glossy and relevant



Bernadette Peters and Lea Salonga in Sondheim's Old Friends
Photo Credit: Matthew Murphy

When it was announced that the Sondheim tribute Old Friends, was headed to the Ahmanson from its West End run–we the queer musical theatre nerds–went into a tizzy.

When we found out that Broadway royalty Bernadette Peters and Lea Salonga were continuing their run with the show, we just about passed out.

We were there on opening night at the Ahmanson with a star-filled audience to witness a truly five-star production where everything just fits right. The long-lasting roaring applause that met the entrance of the show’s two stars did not end and the evening took the audience on a roller coaster of emotions. This is old-school theatre excellence made fresh for today’s audience. Sondheim’s material is alive and well.

There have been musical revues of this Broadway icon before. This production fares very well by focusing on Sondheim’s collaborations with other Broadway icon Cameron Mackintosh. All of your favorites are there – Company, Into the Woods, Follies, West Side Story, Sweeney Todd, and more, with many surprises from his other shows.

Some of the musicals are presented as full sequences–and Sweeney Todd and West Side Story segments were full mini-musicals, with sets and all. Other numbers were presented with a twist, adding a fresh take that allowed the actors to shine. Though some of the material is considered classic Broadway, it all comes off as glossy and relevant.

The set, costumes, and lighting were top-notch. Quick transitions were masterfully orchestrated and the whole affair seemed made for the Ahmanson. Some traveling shows have that temporary or makeshift energy, not here. While musical theatre is often limited by budget when it comes to pit musicians, this orchestra, led by musical director Annbritt duChateau, is absolutely rich with texture and lush with sound. It gave the material the quality it deserved.

What can we say about the performers? Yes, Peters and Salonga are huge names and big personalities to lead the evening. There is not one weak player here. The cast is full of Tony Award winners and nominees–and it is obvious.

The beauty of Old Friends, is that the show gives everyone the opportunity to shine–and they take it. The chemistry of the cast is palpable and every player hands over the spotlight graciously. No one runs away with the show–they all do.

Peters, Sondheim’s main muse, continues her reign as one of Broadway’s greats. When she hits the stage, you can feel the energy and you know you are witnessing theatre royalty. Over the years her voice may have lost a little of that shine, but her emotion and pathos add a layer to the material that could never be replicated. Seeing her reprise her role as Dot in Sunday in the Park with George, is truly special.

Salonga’s voice seems to know no limits.

She skillfully masters Mrs. Lovett and brings down the curtain with her version of “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.” She may not have the emotional range as Peters, but she is the perfect lead for this show. Every other actor could have their own review, they are just that good. Special shout out to Tony Winner Beth Leavel who tore the stage apart with her take on “Ladies Who Lunch,” not an easy feat when most of us have echoes of Elaine Stritch and Patti LuPone in our minds.

She makes the material her own and the audience couldn’t get enough. Two-time Tony nominee Gavin Lee, brings the comedy and the drama to his performance, enchanting the audience with his “Could I Leave You?”

Broadway heartthrob Jacob Dickey leads a powerful and new take on “Being Alive” and also somehow makes the role of the Wolf from Into the Woods his own.

Truth be told, this winning production is best suited for Sondheim fans. I would be hesitant to take a non-theatre lover or someone who just likes movie musicals as my plus one. You don’t have to be a Sondheim aficionado, but this is a very deep dive into the material and is best appreciated by those in the know. Thank goodness there are many of us out there. What was plain to see by the audience in attendance, is how far Sondheim’s music has reached. Young, old, queer, fancy, casual, celebrity, everyone became one audience to enjoy this magical evening.

With everything going on in today’s world, it is so comforting to come home in a sense, to music that has made such an impression in our lives. There is safety in enjoying the known, like watching a TV show that you’ve binged for the umpteenth time and, in this show fraught with love and sincerity, is able to make it new again.

Old Friends plays at the Ahmanson for a limited run until March 9th before heading to Broadway. Tickets are available on the Center Theatre Group website.

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Arts & Entertainment

Rogue Machine Theatre’s ‘Bacon’ probes cycles of intimacy and abuse between gay Gen Z’ers

Sophie Swithinbank’s award-winning drama about London schoolboys makes it LA debut



Wesley Guimarães and Jack Lancaster play troubled schoolboys in Rogue Machine Theatre’s production of Bacon.

Legacies of shame and abuse play out in surprising ways in Rogue Machine Theatre’s
production of British playwright Sophie Swithinbank’s award-winning play Bacon, which follows two boys in a London high school as they form a fraught and manipulative relationship.

Rogue Machine isn’t saying much else about the play – even getting that much of log line required an email to the company’s marketing director and a referral to the play’s publisher. The company is hoping that audiences will come into the show blind and be completely surprised by what they see. So far, director Michael Matthews says the audiences who are turning up are appreciating the play’s twists and turns.

“Right before it goes to the blackout at the end of the show, there’s always a gasp, which is
always like, you got it, you’re with it,” Matthews said. “If you come see my show, I want you to
come in one way, but I want you to exit another. Even if this is a smile on your face, or like a tear or something, but to have some sort of movement. The audience is, so far from what I’ve witnessed, they’ve been along on the journey.”

Swithinbank’s own playwright’s note for the show says it’s ‘about what happens when teenagers learn to bully and humiliate each other before they learn to love,’ and that it was inspired by an act of bullying she witnessed and a toxic relationship she experienced growing up.

Matthews says when Rogue Machine approached him about directing the the play, the script gripped him from the first page, which isn’t surprising given the splash Bacon made when it debuted across the pond in 2022, earning three Off-West End Awards, and previously earning Soho Theatre’s Tony Craze Award for Playwrighting.

“It’s not just that I see myself in a play, but that my heart is pulled a certain way. That’s just me
knowing that this is something that I have to do,” Matthews said of the script.

And Swithinbank has been involved with this production as well, workshopping the script to fit it to Rogue Machine’s young cast, which features Brazilian-American actor Wesley Guimarães and Chicago native Jack Lancaster – you may have seen him on “The Bear.”

“One of actors is Brazilian, and so [Swithinbank] changed a lot of her words to add in that his
mother was Brazilian inside the play. She went so far as to put in Portuguese into the show,
which just adds on a richness that just works so beautifully. And then the other actor, his family is from Dublin, and so we changed a lot of the characterizations to have that Irish authenticity,” Matthews said.

That authenticity is essential, especially as the show is playing in Rogue Machine’s
intimate Henry Murray Stage, which seats just 37 people.

“It’s supposed to feel very intimate, like you’re walking into like some place you’re not supposed to be and you’re observing something you’re not supposed to be observing. And so you have that thing inside of you when you’re watching, like I should help. This is a foot away from me. I should do something, but you can’t, right? So it gives intimacy a whole brand new name,” Matthews said.

Bacon plays at The Matrix, 7657 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046, through March 30.
Fri and Mon at 8pm, Sat-Sun at 5pm. Tickets available at The Rogue Machine Theatre site.

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Fountain Theatre’s Alabaster presents a timely tale of love in the aftermath of disaster

‘It has this wonderful sort of straddling the fence of comedy and tragedy in the way that life does.’



When Fountain Theatre set out to produce the Los Angeles premiere of Audrey Cefaly’s play
Alabaster, they were hoping that the all-female show about the power of art and the strength
and resilience of women would be a timely celebration of the country’s first female president.

That didn’t turn out, but in the wake of the fires that devastated Los Angeles last month, the
story – which follows a romance that blossoms when New York photographer Alice, who’s
travelled to the titular Alabama city to capture the portrait of June, a woman whose survival of a tornado has left her with physical and emotional scars – has become even more relevant.

“It’s very much a play about loss and trauma and grieving and how we process and move
forward,” says Casey Stangl, who’s directing the Fountain production. “It has this wonderful sort of straddling the fence of comedy and tragedy in the way that life does.”

And that includes the current political climate.

“On some level, it’s actually even more resonant because we don’t have [a female president]
and that’s yet another loss,” she says.

The LA fires are more than a backdrop for the theatre – they’ve directly affected the production, including delaying its opening to Feb 16. One of the actors was living in the evacuation zone, while another lived in a warning zone. Another had respiratory issues inflamed by the smoke that reached her home.

“Even once we got ourselves back in the room, we’re all still sort of dealing with that. The
physical effects, right? But also just the trauma of it,” Stangl says.
Still, all of that trauma in the room went a long way to building the emotional reality of the play – a literal use of art to process trauma through a play about using art to process trauma.

In the play, June takes up painting to deal with her own trauma, while Alice uses photography to process the trauma of others – and also as an escape from her own tragedies. But the play also explores some of the challenging moral issues around art as a sort of trauma porn.

“There’s a little bit of a dilemma for Alice, because the power dynamic is tricky. There’s an
automatic sort of unequal power dynamic between a photographer and a subject. And then
when things start to change a little bit, it’s a little bit of a thorny place to navigate ethically,” Stangl says.

Since its 2020 world premiere at the Florida Repertory Theatre, Alabaster has been produced
across the country to rave reviews. Fountain Theatre’s production has some secret weapons
that tie it to the play’s history while also invigorating it with new meaning.

Actress Carolyn Messina, who plays Weezy, one of June’s talking goats that narrate the play –
yes, it’s that kind of magical realist theatre – was part of the original production and has been
close with playwright Audrey Cefaly since high school.

And Virginia Newcomb, who plays June, actually grew up in Alabaster, Alabama, and brings a
natural authenticity to the show.

“That town is very much in her body and in her spirit,” Stangl says. “We don’t have a dialect
coach. I mean, we don’t need one. The actresses are kind of amazing. They’re just really talented and good and smart and charismatic and funny. It’s been kind of a feast in the room.”

Alabaster by Audrey Cefaly plays at the Fountain Theatre, 5060 Fountain Ave, Los Angeles,
CA, 90029 open until March 30, Fri-Sat at 8pm, Sun at 2pm. PWYC
Mondays 8pm. Tickets available at

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Echo Theater’s ‘Clarkston’ finds gay love and joy at Costco

West Coast premier of hit play from “The Whale” author is Sept. 14



Sean Luc Rogers and Michael Sturgis (Photo by Marie Bland)

Playwright Samuel D. Hunter has long been attracted to telling stories about people that society often overlooks. So it’s fitting that his play “Clarkston,” getting its West Coast premiere this month from Los Angeles’s Echo Theater digs into the lives of two gay nightshift workers at a small town Costco.

Chris is a frustrated wannabe writer stuck taking care of his meth-addicted mom in the dead-end town of Clarkston, Wash. Jake is a distant relative of the explorer William Clark who’s fled his Connecticut hometown after receiving a fatal medical diagnosis. When they’re assigned to the same night shift in the warehouse, their mutual attraction grows into something more complicated. 

For Echo Theater Artistic Director Chris Fields, who is also directing the production, “Clarkston” is a love story about how American consumerism affects our ability to connect.

“Costco for me is a very difficult place. It’s sort of about gross consumerism. You go into Costco and after five minutes, you’re like, ‘There’s nothing wrong with getting 14 steaks,’” Fields says. “I think [Hunter] puts it in there because it’s really a symbol of consumerism and alienation. Now imagine being in Costco at night under the fluorescents, moving pallets of boxes of gargantuan size.” 

To prepare himself and his actors to inhabit the lives of Costco workers, Fields says he took his team to the big box store to do on-the-ground research.

“We did a field trip to Costco. We found a warehouse manager, the floor manager, and it’s like, oh, there are people that work here. And you know what? They were great. They were lovely. They couldn’t have been more charming and sweet and helpful.”

Fields says the Costco staff even gave them pallets to use on stage for that extra bit of authenticity.

“I tried to get them to give us a pallet jack, and they were like, ‘uhh …’” he says.

Hunter is best known for his play “The Whale,” which was turned into the Academy Award-winning film of the same name. 

But in contrast to the often dreary and miserable tone of that play, Fields says “Clarkston” finds great joy in the lives of its protagonists.

“There’s not only joy in the play, but one of the things that makes it so emotional is these boys get to be gay with each other,” Fields says. 

Playing the graveyard-shift lovers are LA Drama Critics Circle Award-winner Michael Sturgis and newcomer Sean Luc Rogers, a recent Yale graduate that Fields expects will make a big splash soon. 

“I wouldn’t be surprised if in a couple years he couldn’t work with us because he’s in Vancouver shooting a series for the rest of his life,” he says.

They’re joined by Tasha Ames, fresh off her own LA Drama Critics Circle Award win for last year’s “Do You Feel Anger?”, playing Chris’s drug-addicted mom.

“They’re heartbreakers, you know? They come on stage and their hearts are open,” Fields says.

Fields hopes that despite the enormous struggles the characters are dealing with in “Clarkston,” audiences will leave feeling like there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

“You know, it’s hard. To get a car with gas that costs too much money, you can’t go out to eat anymore because it’s so expensive, we might be electing a fucking dictator in the study.

“It’s hard, and I think what I want them to come away with is that feeling when the good guys win. It can work out and it’s really kind of wonderful to be you, despite the fact that we make messes all the time,” Fields says.

‘Clarkston’ opens Sept 14 and runs Friday, Saturday, and Monday at 8 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m. at Atwater Village Theater, 3269 Casitas Ave., Los Angeles. Tickets are available here.

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‘Happy Fall’ presents queer love story in the world of stunt acting

Rogue Artists’ production inspired by real performers’ stories



(Photo courtesy of

The hyper-masculine world of Hollywood stunt performers might not be the place you’d expect to find queer romance, but Rogue Artists Ensemble Artistic Director Sean Cawelti says he found the idea for his company’s new show, “Happy Fall: A Queer Stunt Spectacular,” among the real-life stories of stunt performers who had to remain closeted on the job.

Cawelti says he fell in love with the world of stunt performance by watching the live stunt shows at Universal Studios as a kid. 

“I started researching the stunt community and actually found articles about stunt performers that were wrestling with their identity and their sexuality and how they were treated and mistreated in the industry because of that,” he says.

Based on his idea, Rogue Artists engaged playwright Lisa Sanaye Dring to develop a script inspired by conversations with real stunt performers in the industry.  

The result is a multimedia spectacle that aspires to be a true stunt show in the vein of those old Universal Studios shows and a compelling love story about closeted performers.

“The play itself is a stunt show. It has all the things you would expect. It has audience participation, it has really amazing physical performances. And then also there are multiple camera feeds that allow us to create essentially on-the-fly cinematic experiences for the audience so that we can record things and play them back and manipulate them,” Cawelti says.

And the stunts serve as more than mere spectacle – they’re an integral part of building out the love story between aging pro Clay (played by David Ellard) and up-and-comer Felix (played by Kurt Kanazawa).

“Clay represents old school stunt world. He’s been doing this for a long time. His body is starting to get tired and is breaking down, and he loves what he does. His entire identity is baked into this notion of being this kind of invincible action hero. And he is incredibly closeted and has never been able to live fully and authentically in his life,” Cawelti says.

“And Felix, he’s new to Hollywood and is coming to the industry with a real hunger and zest, but also is living more authentically. Felix meets Clay and understands in the coded way that we often can understand that Clay is a part of Felix’s community.” 

The play arrives at a timely moment, as stunt performers have been pulled increasingly into the spotlight with the recent Hollywood rom-com “The Fall Guy,” and, for Hollywood insiders, increased attention on stunt issues in the recent SAG contract negotiations and the ongoing debate about whether stunt performances and coordination should be recognized at the Academy Awards.

Cawelti thinks the increasing attention on stunt performances stems from audience disillusionment over Hollywood’s increasing reliance on CGI to sell action.

“Maybe we are fatigued with this kind of CGI superhero cartoon disembodiment that we find in cinema so much. There’s something about seeing a real person do a real thing that feels real to the eye and has a real sense of gravity,” he says.

And, of course, that sense of gravity is amplified when you’re watching real performers on a stage in front of you, a sensation that can’t truly be copied on screen.

“A live stunt show is such an oddly surreal place that makes a really exciting playground for an experience like this,” Cawelti says. “If it was on film, there’s such a distance that’s placed where we can’t actually go into the audience, we can’t actually look at you in the eyes and talk with you and ask you questions about what you’re feeling.”

To enhance that live theatrical experience, Rogue Artists is also offering a series of complementary pre- and post-show events, including talkbacks and workshops.

“We have a really exciting slate of community programming that’s complementing the performance. You can learn stunt performance, you can take a workshop on puppetry, have conversations with the composer,” Cawelti says.

“Happy Fall: A Queer Stunt Spectacular” by Rogue Artists Ensemble plays at Renberg Theatre at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, 1125 N McCadden Place, Aug. 17-Sept. 8, Thursday-Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 3 p.m. Full details and tickets at

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Odyssey Theatre’s Design for Living tracks an ever-shifting queer love triangle

Noel Coward’s classic comedy searches for new ways of living



Garikayi Mutambirwa, Brooke Bundy, and Kyle T. Hester in 'Design for Living.' (Photo by Cooper Bates)

Nearly 100 years before Challengers lit up screens with its teasing story of a bisexual love triangle, Noel Coward scandalized Broadway and London stages with his daring play Design for Living, that challenged norms around monogamy and sexuality with its frank portrayal of a three-way relationship. And now, Odyssey Theatre is bringing the queer classic back to the stage for a summer run from July 6-Aug 25 at the West Los Angeles venue.

Design for Living follows a trio of artists – playwright Leo, painter Otto, and designer Gilda – as they navigate an ever-shifting triangular relationship in the 1930s. It’s full of the characteristic wit that’s made Noel Coward one of the twentieth century’s most-produced comedic playwrights, but the play was considered so scandalous at the time that it the official censor of London theatre banned productions of it for six years.

Coward was inspired to write it by the open and polyamorous relationship of his longtime friends, the Broadway stars Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fontane, with whom he starred in the original Broadway production.  

And while polyamory and bisexuality are hardly the taboo topics they were during the Great Depression, director Bart DeLorenzo says open and fluid relationships still challenge many people’s perceptions of propriety.

“I wouldn’t say that’s the last taboo, but it’s unusual. You see people struggling with their families and there are all sorts of heteronormative pressures,” DeLorenzo says. “I do think there are people in the world who aren’t happy themselves and don’t want other people to be happy.

“I don’t know why people want to regulate the intimate details of other people’s lives, but for some reason there’s a desire to do that. And so, I don’t think the issues of this play have really gone away.”

DeLorenzo says the play documents an important point in Coward’s life, shortly after his rise to fame, as he tries to navigate the limited opportunities he had to pursue romance and happiness as a gay man. 

“He’s writing it in the 1930s, and he’s had his first bath of success, and I think he’s looking around at the world and trying to figure out what kind of life he wants to live,” De Lorenzo says. “What’s funny about the play is that he will go on to invent a kind of a new family and a new way to live, not exactly like the play but similar. But he had no idea that that’s where he was headed.”

So even though the play is a hilarious comedy, DeLorenzo says it’s still one of the most serious dramatic works Coward wrote.

“I think it’s a look for new models because there should be more choices. There should be more possibilities. And I think it really helps to have models of people who have found other ways to be happy,” he says. “It’s about trying to find a way to live the life that you want to live, even when Society doesn’t appreciate it.”

One luxury this production has over the original Broadway production – and perhaps even over modern Hollywood fare exploring polyamory – is its freedom to bring the homoerotic sides of the polyamory polygon.

“There’s a very sexy and romantic scene between the two men. It’s a very funny scene. But I think it’s a very sexy scene but between them,” DeLorenzo notes of his production. “That’s what’s interesting about the play too. Is that Coward gives the biggest scene in the play to the two men. There’s a very nice seduction of a hetero couple in the piece but in a way, I think the gay couple gets the best romantic scene.”

Design for Living plays at the Odyssey Theatre July 6-Aug 25. 2055 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90025. Tickets $20–$37, Fridays Pay-What-You-Can. 

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LA’s home for queer performing arts, Highways celebrates 35 years

From the AIDS crisis to today’s trans moral panic, Highways has stood at the vanguard of daring queer expression



LA’s home for queer performing arts, Highways celebrates 35 years. (Photo courtesy of Highways Performance Space)

By Rob Salerno | SANTA MONICA, Calif. – For 35 years, Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica has been home to some of America’s most daring and experimental queer performing arts works.

Formed during the peak of the AIDS crisis, Highways was established as a venue where queer work, often ignored, ridiculed, or censored by mainstream arts institutions, could thrive. Given a safe space to experiment and present work that challenged social, political, and cultural norms, generations of queer artists came up through highways and have gone on to become some of the most important names in performing arts.  

For Highways’ executive director Leo Garcia, that commitment to producing works that challenge the mainstream has been key to the institution’s long-term success.

“What excites me is our interest in the constant development of new works by artists who work with political, social, psychological, and personal narratives, and the hard work that we bring to make certain that the doors are open to provide access to the artists who are developing these new works and who bring their communities to our space,” Garcia says.

Highways was founded in 1989, amid intersecting crises in the LGBTQ community and the artistic communities in Los Angeles. 

“The AIDS pandemic had really surfaced, and… most of the performance places closed and much of the city’s infrastructure had collapsed back then, and that had to do with real estate crunches and bureaucratic red tape and people being able to afford space so work,” Garcia says.

“There was just this recognition that we were in a crucial time politically, and at a sort of a cultural intersection where the performance art that we were creating was suited to the social-psychological-cultural climate.” 

Despite the progress the LGBTQ community has made since Highways’ early days, Garcia says the organization is still presenting deeply political works that uplift the community and challenge the status quo. 

As an example, he cites trans choreographer Sean Dorsey, whose dance company will headline Highways’ 35th Anniversary Party June 7-8, with a new performance called The Lost Art of Dreaming.

“The reason we’ve brought on Sean Dorsey is I feel that it’s the trans community that is really under attack in this country, and we’re just going to celebrate the beauty of a trans choreographer and their beautiful new work,” he says. “We’re also going to be honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, who have been a part of Highways for at least two decades.”

Highways Artistic Director Patrick Kennelly (Photo courtesy of Highways Performance Space)

Artistic Director Patrick Kennelly says part of Highways’ success is that it’s constantly seeking out new generations of artists who keep the work fresh.

“So, there’s these different cycles, and it’s interesting now being older to see this fresher group dealing with the similar kinds of stuff that I was when I was starting out in this field 20 years ago,” he says.

Garcia became involved with Highways in 1992, just a few years after it was founded by writer Linda Frye Burnham and performance artist Tim Miller. Garcia says he had just moved to Santa Monica from New York and was just wandering around his new neighborhood when he came upon the theatre.

“There was no one at the door, and I walked in and peeked in the curtain. There were like seven people in the audience, and Annie Sprinkle was doing her show. She was inserting something into her vagina and you could go in and look inside of it. That’s the kind of work they were doing here,” Garcia recalls. 

Highways’ executive director Leo Garcia. (Photo courtesy of Highways Performance Space)

He says he started seeing shows and getting involved with the theatre, until eventually he was asked to come on board as the fiscal manager. He eventually took over as artistic director in 2003, leading the company until he handing artistic duties over to current director Patrick Kennelly. 

Kennelly, who’s in his twentieth year working with Highways, first got involved as an intern while studying at CalArts. By that time, Highways had already developed a reputation for discovering and fostering important new artists.

“It was around the same time that there was a big article in the LA Times about the 15th anniversary, and there were names involved that I was familiar with from what I had been studying,” Kennelly says.  

Garcia and Kennelly estimate that they’ve helped foster hundreds of artists and shows during their time at Highways – regularly hosting a new show every week, fifty weeks per year.

Over the years, Highways has also expanded its programming to include works by and for other minority and marginalized communities, while still foregrounding work by and for the LGBTQ community.

Among the many artists who’ve come through Highways are Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors, Pulitzer Prize nominee Kristina Wong, MacArthur Genius Grant recipient Luis Alfaro, and international performance artist Ron Athey. Some artists and collectives from Highways’ earliest days are still presenting works at the venue to this day, including Guillermo Gomez-Pena and the Los Angeles Poverty Department.

“What’s been exciting to me is to discover and or present early works by artists who grow into huge big entities, whether it’s touring the world with their work or getting them huge mainstream platforming,” Garcia says.

As for the future, Garcia and Kennelley say that they see Highways continuing to advance its reputation for experimenting with bold new art forms and developing important, unheard voices.

“I hope that the space can survive another 35 years and continue to support these emerging artists who are experimenting and discovering their process and maybe don’t have the accessibility at that point in their careers for larger shows,” Kennelley says. 

“We want to continue to work with the communities that we’re serving and it needs to be a place of alliances and collaborations for all these different cultures and genders and disciplines,” Garcia says.

Highways’ 35th Birthday! will take place June 7-8 at 8:30pm at Highways Performance Space, 1651 18th St, Santa Monica, CA, 90404. Tickets:  

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Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle announces 2023 award recipients

The 54th Annual ceremony took place on Monday, April 8, 14 different productions were honored, celebrating a wide range of LA theater



The audience at the THANK YOU FIVE event held at The Matrix Theatre Company stage in October 2023 sponsored by Rogue Machine Theatre, Joshua Bitton and Isidora Goreshter in support of IATSE members affected by the 2023 SAG strike. (Photo Credit: Rogue Machine Theatre/Facebook)

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle has announced their award recipients for 2023. Kill Shelter (Theatre of NOTE) received the prestigious Production award, with additional honorees named in 17 other categories. In total, 14 different productions were honored, celebrating a wide range of Los Angeles theater.

Theatre of NOTE’s Kill Shelter and Pasadena Playhouse’s A Little Night Music received the most awards for a single production. Both productions were also factored into Special Awards, with Kill Shelter author Ashley Rose Wellman winning The TED SCHMITT AWARD for the World Premiere of an Outstanding New Play and A Little Night Music being a significant part of The JOEL HIRSCHHORN AWARD for Outstanding Achievement in Musical Theatre winner Pasadena Playhouse’s The Sondheim Celebration.

The 54th Annual ceremony took place on Monday, April 8th at 8 pm PST. For the first time in LADCC history, a presentation was live stream simulcast on both Instagram and Facebook @LADramaCritics. The live replay can still be viewed on the LADCC’s YouTube channel at @ladramacriticscircle3508 or at

As previously announced, the LADCC has named the following Special Award Honorees:The POLLY WARFIELD AWARD for Best Season by a Small to Midsized Theater is given to Rogue Machine: John Perrin Flynn (Producing Artistic Director), Guillermo Cienfuegos (Artistic Director), Elina de Santos (Co-Artistic Director), and Justin Okin (Producing Director).                                                                                                                               

The GORDON DAVIDSON AWARD for Distinguished Contributions to the Los Angeles Theatrical Community is presented to Joseph Stern.

The JOEL HIRSCHHORN AWARD for Outstanding Achievement in Musical Theatre is presented to Pasadena Playhouse for The Sondheim Celebration.

The MILTON KATSELAS AWARD for Career or Special Achievement in Direction is presented to Michael Michetti.

The KINETIC LIGHTING AWARD for distinguished achievement in theatrical design goes to Pablo Santiago who will receive a cash prize from Kinetic Lighting (

The TED SCHMITT AWARD for the World Premiere of an Outstanding New Play is awarded to Ashley Rose Wellman for Kill Shelter (Theatre of Note). Ms. Wellman will also receive a cash prize from our Schmitt Award sponsor, The Black List  (

The MARGARET HARFORD AWARD for Excellence in Theatre is given to Echo Theater Company, Chris Fields, Founding Artistic Director.

The complete list of award recipients for 2023 is as follows:


Kill Shelter; Theatre of NOTE


A Little Night Music; Pasadena Playhouse


Shaina Rosenthal; Kill Shelter; Theatre of NOTE

WRITING-ORIGINAL Bernardo Cubría; Crabs in a Bucket; Echo Theater Company
Rosie Narasaki; Unrivaled; Playwrights’ Arena and Boston Court Pasadena.                       


Aaron Posner; Life Sucks; Interact Theatre Company


Alby Potts; A Little Night Music; Pasadena Playhouse


Joyce Guy; Much Ado About Nothing; A Noise Within

Casey Nicholaw; Mean Girls; Hollywood Pantages Theatre


Michael Shaw Fisher; Exorcistic: The Rock Musical; Orgasmico Theatre Company


Merle Dandridge; A Little Night Music; Pasadena Playhouse

Edwin Lee Gibson; Fetch Clay, Make Man; Center Theatre Group/Kirk Douglas Theatre

Ashley Romans; Kill Shelter; Theatre of NOTE


Tasha Ames; Do You Feel Anger?; Circle X Theatre Co.

Casey Smith; Do You Feel Anger?; Circle X Theatre Co.


Life Sucks; Interact Theatre Company 

SCENIC DESIGNAlexander Dodge; The Engagement Party; Geffen Playhouse


Dan Weingarten; The Tempest: An Immersive Experience; The Shakespeare Center LA and After Hours Theatre Company


Kate Bergh; A Little Night Music; Pasadena Playhouse

Lou Cranch; Crabs in a Bucket; Echo Theater Company


Alyssa Ishii; Unrivaled; Playwrights’ Arena and Boston Court Pasadena.


Daniel K. Isaac; Every Brilliant Thing; Geffen Playhouse

PROJECTION / ANIMATION DESIGN (was missing a comma)

Yee Eun Nam; Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992Center Theatre Group / Mark Taper Forum


Emory Royston; Kill Shelter; Theatre of NOTE

Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle (LADCC) Info: The Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle current officers consist of President Jonas Schwartz-Owen (TheaterMania, BroadwayWorld/LA), Vice President Dana Martin (Stage Raw), Treasurer Hoyt Hilsman (Cultural Daily), Co-Secretaries Martίn Hernández (Stage Raw) and Philip Brandes (Stage Raw, LA Times, Santa Barbara Independent), Website/Social Media Co-Chairs Socks Whitmore (Stage Raw) and Patrick Chavis (LA Theatre Bites, The Orange Curtain Review) and Awards Chair Tracey Paleo (Gia On The Move, BroadwayWorld/LA).

The current 2024 membership of the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle (in alphabetical order): Lara J. Altunian (Stage Raw, L.A. Dance Chronicle), Philip Brandes (Stage Raw, LA Times, Santa Barbara Independent), Katie Buenneke (Stage Raw,, Patrick Chavis (LA Theatre Bites, The Orange Curtain Review), F. Kathleen Foley (Stage Raw),  Anita W. Harris (, Martίn Hernández (Stage Raw), Hoyt Hilsman (Cultural Daily), Travis Michael Holder (, Deborah Klugman (Stage Raw), 

Harker Jones (BroadwayWorld/LA), Dana Martin (Stage Raw), Myron Meisel (Stage Raw),                                                                                                                                               Terry Morgan (Stage Raw,, Honorary Member Steven Leigh Morris (Stage Raw), Tracey Paleo ( BroadwayWorld/LA), Melinda Schupmann (,, Jonas Schwartz-Owen (TheaterMania, BroadwayWorld/LA), Don Shirley (Angeles Stage on Substack), and Socks Whitmore (Stage Raw).

Citation Totals by Production

A Little Night Music; Pasadena Playhouse; 4 wins

Kill Shelter; Theatre of NOTE; 4 wins

Life Sucks; Interact Theatre Company; 2 wins

Crabs in a Bucket; Echo Theater Company; 2 wins

Do You Feel Anger?; Circle X Theatre Co.; 2 wins

Unrivaled; Playwrights’ Arena and Boston Court; 2 wins

The Tempest: An Immersive Experience; The Shakespeare Center LA and After Hours Theatre Company; 1 win

Mean Girls; Hollywood Pantages Theatre; 1 win

Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992; Center Theatre Group / Mark Taper Forum; 1 win

Every Brilliant Thing; Geffen Playhouse; 1 win

Exorcistic: The Rock Musical; Orgasmico Theatre Company; 1 win

Fetch Clay, Make Man; Center Theatre Group/Kirk Douglas Theatre; 1 win

The Engagement Party; Geffen Playhouse; 1 win

Much Ado About Nothing; A Noise Within; 1 win

Citation Totals by Company

Pasadena Playhouse; 4 winsTheatre of NOTE; 4 wins

Center Theatre Group; 2 wins

Interact Theatre Company; 2 wins

Echo Theater Company; 2 wins

Playwrights’ Arena and Boston Court Pasadena.; 2 wins

Circle X Theatre Co.; 2 wins

Geffen Playhouse; 2 wins

The Shakespeare Center LA and After Hours Theatre Company; 1 win

Hollywood Pantages Theatre; 1 win

Orgasmico Theatre Company; 1 win

A Noise Within; 1 win

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Monsters of the American Cinema

Monsters of the American Cinema, Rogue Machine Theatre’s latest show, brings queer family horror to the LA stage



Logan Leonardo Arditty & Kevin Daniels (Photo by Jeff Lorch)

By Rob Salerno | WEST HOLLYWOOD – Boundaries between blood, race, and sexuality are tested to their limits in Rogue Machine Theatre’s newest production, Christian St Croix’s Monsters of the American Cinema, opening April 6 in West Hollywood.

In Monsters, Remy Washington, a gay Black man whose husband has recently died, finds himself navigating single parenthood to his husband’s white teenage son, Pup, while managing solo ownership of a drive-in cinema. While Remy and Pup bond over their love of classic horror movies, their relationship comes under strain when Remy learns that Pup has been bullying a gay kid at school. 

Kevin Daniels and Logan Leonardo (Photo by Jeff Lorch)

San Diego-based playwright St. Croix says he was inspired to write the play by the diverse family types he sees in his everyday life.

“We’re beginning to tell more and more stories about LGBTQ parents the new monsters of some of those relationships,” he says. “I wanted to share the spotlight on the gay parent who isn’t the biological parent of the child and oftentimes doesn’t share blood or even skin.”

Setting the play around a drive-in theatre and using classic horror movies as a motif allows St. Croix to challenge American cultural norms using major symbols of Americana.

“I wanted to create more stories centered around these symbols of Americana and how those of us who are outside the idea of what these things were created for – gay people, Black people – interact with them,” he says.

He says he was inspired to write the play after a sleepless night led him to catch the classic 1954 horror film Creature from the Black Lagoon on late-night TV.  

“The effects are so cheesy in that movie. It’s so old it’s so corny, but at the time when it was released, I imagine it terrified people. And it got me to thinking about things that once terrified audiences, and the stories that can be created from that.”

Logan Leonardo Arditty and Kevin Daniels (Photo by Jeff Lorch)

One of the interesting choices in Monsters is telling a story about homophobic bullying where the bully is centered. St. Croix says he wanted to present a take on bullying that isn’t often seen or discussed.

“You know how they say that oftentimes bullies are coming from a bad home life themselves? Or, if they’re anti-gay, they must be gay themselves? I wanted to explore that idea because I found with my experience with a being bullied…I found that none of those things turned out to be true,” he says. “A lot of the time, their home life is okay, you know? They’re not reenacting something that they’re experiencing at home. Something else is going on.”

Christian St Croix (Photo by Jay Henslee)

The play has won plaudits for its deft blending of comedy, drama, and magical realism, as well as its handling of racial and sexual taboos in productions across the country since premiering in Seattle in 2022. It also won the 2021 Carlo Annoni Prize, one of the largest international honors for queer playwrighting.

For the Los Angeles premiere, St. Croix has mostly stayed out of the production process, but he says he’s excited to see what the cast and director John Perrin Flynn have created. He says he’s long been a fan of Kevin Daniels, who plays the grieving husband Remy.

“I met him the first time in the callbacks and I told him I’m a fan of your work, and I think he thought I was just being nice, and it’s like, ‘No, bro. I’ve seen you on Frasier, Why Women Kill, Council of Dads,’” he says. “We’re social media buds now and we he sends me pictures of the rehearsals. We share music ideas. We actually teamed up together to do a mix tape to kind of accompany the show.”

“Logan Leonardo, our Pup, is a phenomenal young actor. He absolutely killed it in his call backs,” he says.

Kevin Daniels and Logan Leonardo Arditty (Photo by Jeff Lorch)

St. Croix says he wants people who see his play to take away the message that they have to confront the monsters in their lives and themselves.

“They surround us. We can’t escape them. But there are Pockets where  you have to connect with the other, you know be the co-workers or, in the case of Monsters, family.”

Monsters of the American Cinema produced by Rogue Machine Theatre, plays at the Matrix, 7657 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, from Apr 6 to May 19, Fri-Mon only.

Tickets at


Rob Salerno is a writer and journalist based in Los Angeles, California, and Toronto, Canada.

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