Jingle & Mingle: Holiday event focused on queer immigrant stories
The Los Angeles Blade partnered with AIDS Healthcare Foundation affinity group The Latino Outreach and Understanding Division (LOUD)
WEST HOLLYWOOD – The Los Angeles Blade, partnered with AIDS Healthcare Foundation affinity group The Latino Outreach and Understanding Division (LOUD), on held December 22, a joyful evening of food, hobnobbing, music, and entertainment at HEART WeHo.
The event attracted a diverse crowd of 150 people from the worlds of politics, entertainment, nightlife, media and community members from around the SoCal area.
The event kicked off with a vibrant performance by Drag star Melissa BeFierce and Veronica, opening the show with a review of Jennifer Lopezās Spanish language hits, āBidi Bidi Bom Bom,ā āComo Lo Flor,ā āAmor Prohibidoā and āI Could Fall in Love.ā
Blade publisher Troy Masters welcomed the crowd:
āI have learned from someone very special to me that people who are in this country as an asylum seeker, a DACA recipient or as an Undocumented person, you do not have access to the same legal protections that I do, that most of you do,ā he said. āI believe that is one of the many inequalities facing immigrants that needs to be addressed and thatās one of the topics I hope we will discuss tonight,ā Masters added.
Masters then introduced Edwin MillĆ”n, International President of LOUD, who greeted the many VIPs in attendance and thanking everyone for āgiving up their Friday night before Christmas to support this event and the LGBTQ immigration community.ā
MillĆ”n then presented 4 panelists representing a diverse immigration experience; Gretta Soto Moreno, a Mexican trans who said that it took her 13 years to obtain asylum, but that during that time she experienced difficult situations, including spending three years in prison; JesĆŗs Paizano, a 22-year-old Venezuelan asylum seeker who explained that after two and a half years, he still has not received a resolution; Hans Vompakerth, a 23-year-old undocumented Colombian gay, said that he has not yet decided to apply for asylum for fear of facing deportation; and Laura Morales GarcĆa, who arrived in the United States when she was two years old, explained what it was like to get DACA and what this means for her.
Editor’s note: For the original reporting in English regarding the panelists please go to this link: (here)
AquĆ estĆ”n sus historias
El viaje de Gretta Soto Moreno es un testimonio de las dificultades que enfrentan los solicitantes de asilo y las luchas dentro del sistema de detenciĆ³n de EE. UU. Gretta, una mujer transgĆ©nero que huye de aƱos de tormento, soportando agresiones y amenazas en MĆ©xico, su paĆs de origen, lamentablemente se encontrĆ³ sufriendo abusos similares al llegar a EE. UU.
Antes de irse, la familia de Gretta desconocĆa sus luchas, centrĆ”ndose en lugar en sus propios asuntos. MĆ©xico no solo era violento, sino tambiĆ©n aislante y traumatizante. Es un lugar difĆcil para ser uno mismo autĆ©ntico.
Pero hubo momentos felices, como la fiesta navideƱa de la oficina donde se presentĆ³ valientemente como Gretta, sorprendiendo a una colega catĆ³lica que, segĆŗn Gretta, no tenĆa idea. “Se sorprendiĆ³ porque notĆ³ a esta ‘mujer bonita’ organizando la fiesta; yo tambiĆ©n me sorprendĆ porque cuando se dio cuenta de que era yo, estaba extasiada”, dijo Gretta. “Su reacciĆ³n fue tan inesperada y me hizo sentir especial”.
Las personas transgĆ©nero, especialmente en un lugar como MĆ©xico, rara vez encuentran tal aceptaciĆ³n.
Gretta sufriĆ³ la pĆ©rdida de su mayor defensora cuando su abuela falleciĆ³. Ella habĆa sido la fuerza mĆ”s protectora y solidaria en su vida. “Cuando muriĆ³, me sentĆ tan sola y perdida… Ella siempre supo que era diferente de los demĆ”s niƱos, pero para ella eso me hacĆa muy especial”. Al darse cuenta de que estaba sola y de que su vida no mejorarĆa en MĆ©xico, eligiĆ³ buscar asilo en Estados Unidos. Pero su viaje migratorio estuvo lleno de desafĆos.
El arresto y la condena relacionada con el alcohol de Gretta complicaron su solicitud de asilo. Y como persona transgĆ©nero que tuvo que abordar su encarcelamiento pasado, las cosas se volvieron muy complicadas, una historia que refleja la situaciĆ³n de muchas personas trans en circunstancias similares. “Mis condenas por alcohol me hicieron muy difĆcil convencer al juez de inmigraciĆ³n de que mi reclamo de asilo era legĆtimo; y eso es realmente difĆcil porque como persona trans, que te crean o que cuestionen tu verdad es realmente traumĆ”tico”, dijo.
En el Centro de DetenciĆ³n de Eloy, Gretta soportĆ³ abusos y la negaciĆ³n de medicamentos esenciales para personas transgĆ©nero, repitiendo los mismos horrores de los que huĆa. Trasladada a una unidad LGBTQ en Santa Ana, las esperanzas de alivio se desvanecieron a medida que los registros invasivos persistieron, ignorando su identidad e infligiendo un trauma mental y fĆsico severo.
La historia de Gretta arroja luz sobre la cruel realidad que enfrentan los inmigrantes, exponiendo el desprecio insensible por la identidad y el abuso sistĆ©mico prevalente dentro de los centros de detenciĆ³n. Su narrativa revela el sufrimiento profundo soportado por personas como ella, independientemente de sus antecedentes o luchas.
Gretta es una especie de guerrera por los derechos de los solicitantes de asilo trans y se ve a sĆ misma como alguien que lucha contra un oponente mucho mĆ”s grande. “Me encanta la historia de David y Goliat. Lo pienso como una historia de amor gay, en la que el rey SaĆŗl se enamorĆ³ de David”, dice. David, al igual que Gretta, luchĆ³ contra un oponente mucho mĆ”s grande, esperando llevar paz y seguridad a una tribu de personas a las que amaba.
“Amo a mis hermanas y hermanos trans y harĆ© lo que sea necesario para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor y para hacer del asilo un lugar seguro y afirmativo”, dice. “Nadie que busque cambiar su situaciĆ³n deberĆa ser castigado y obligado a regresar a ella. Pero los inmigrantes son personas vulnerables que a menudo descubren que defender nuestros derechos resulta en complicaciones que empeoran la situaciĆ³n”, explica. “Juro cambiar eso”.
JesĆŗs Paizano es un estudiante que rara vez pasa por alto un detalle y puede enfrentarse a las personas mĆ”s inteligentes de la habitaciĆ³n, incluso a personas tres veces mayores que Ć©l. Entonces, cuando se propone algo, va a por ello con confianza y no hay nada ni nadie en su camino que pueda detenerlo.
QuizĆ”s esa sea una cualidad que adquiriĆ³ despuĆ©s de ver a su padre, un jugador bien conectado en el gobierno de Hugo ChĆ”vez, perdiera todo. “Mi papĆ” trabajĆ³ con el gobierno de Hugo ChĆ”vez y luego con el presidente NicolĆ”s Maduro. Pero tuvo un desacuerdo con Diosdado Cabello, quien tambiĆ©n es uno de los mĆ”s altos diplomĆ”ticos de Venezuela. Mi padre se negĆ³ a seguir Ć³rdenes arbitrarias y, en respuesta a eso, fue polĆticamente arruinado y destituido”.
JesĆŗs fue testigo de primera mano del impacto que tuvo en su padre y toda su familia, ya que las normas de privilegio, paz, posiciĆ³n, posesiones y su sentido de seguridad les fueron arrebatados. Venezuela desde 2013, cuando JesĆŗs tenĆa solo 12 aƱos, descendiĆ³ lentamente a una situaciĆ³n de extrema violencia polĆtica y desastre econĆ³mico que ha resultado en una crisis humanitaria y un Ć©xodo sin precedentes: mĆ”s de 7 millones de personas han huido.
Desde niƱo, veĆa el mundo a travĆ©s de ese prisma arrugado y, en su adolescencia, se dio cuenta de que sus posibilidades de Ć©xito eran muy limitadas. AƱade a eso su realizaciĆ³n de que ser gay en una cultura muy cerrada y machista era otro golpe en su contra; de hecho, conoce a muchos jĆ³venes homosexuales que fueron vĆctimas de violencia homofĆ³bica, algunos de los cuales se quitaron la vida o simplemente desaparecieron.
Determinado a salvarse a sĆ mismo, decidiĆ³ huir. JesĆŗs puso su mirada en Estados Unidos, convirtiĆ©ndose en uno de los mĆ”s de 1 millĆ³n de solicitantes de asilo venezolanos del mundo. Por supuesto, eso significĆ³ despedirse de la familia y, aunque estuvo lleno de ansiedades no expresadas, la promesa de un futuro mĆ”s brillante superĆ³ el dolor de la separaciĆ³n. Y, ademĆ”s, era joven y “nunca pensĆ© en ello como una despedida”.
El viaje a la frontera de Estados Unidos cerca de San Diego no fue tan aterrador como cruzar realmente a Estados Unidos. Siendo pragmĆ”tico, cuando vio a la policĆa, decidiĆ³ entregarse de inmediato y comenzar a presentar su solicitud de asilo. Durante los siguientes seis meses, fue enviado de centro de detenciĆ³n a centro de detenciĆ³n. “La detenciĆ³n a veces daba miedo y me enfermĆ© mucho y tambiĆ©n tuve Covid, pero habĆa algo en ello que era gratificante”, dijo. “HabĆa otras personas gay y algunas personas trans y nos cuidĆ”bamos mutuamente”.
Finalmente, se conectĆ³ con un patrocinador en Los Ćngeles que le enviĆ³ un boleto a LAX. “Me recogieron y lo primero que hicimos fue ir a The Abbey y luego a la casa. Nunca habĆa sentido un alivio tan grande en mi vida”.
Al establecerse en Estados Unidos, JesĆŗs encontrĆ³ un panorama muy diferente al de su tierra natal. La apertura de su identidad LGBTQ se destaca en marcado contraste con las limitaciones que enfrentĆ³ en casa. “En el camino, sin embargo, ha habido lecciones de civismo que fueron una sorpresa”. JesĆŗs dice que hay una brecha peligrosa en la capacidad de un inmigrante para obtener justicia a travĆ©s del sistema judicial ordinario. Ćl dice: “la diferencia entre los derechos que tiene un inmigrante y los de un ciudadano estadounidense crea una brecha que se puede usar para controlar o manipular e incluso explotar a las personas”, dice. “Los inmigrantes dudan en luchar por sus derechos legales cuando han sido agraviados o heridos e incluso cuando han sufrido agresiones o violencia en su contra”, dice. “La gente teme que de alguna manera pueda afectar su caso de inmigraciĆ³n”. Ćl aboga apasionadamente por una defensa mĆ”s fuerte y acceso a un sistema que proteja y empodere a todos, independientemente de su estatus de ciudadanĆa.
“Yo soy un inmigrante, no un extraterrestre”, declara. “Bueno, tal vez soy un extraterrestre, pero no del tipo terrestre”, bromea. “Pero creo en la IGUALDAD”, dice refiriĆ©ndose a las diferencias en los derechos de recurso legal que tiene un inmigrante en comparaciĆ³n con un ciudadano estadounidense.
“Amo a este paĆs y cuando me convierta en ciudadano estadounidense, lo honrarĆ© como un privilegio otorgado por uno de los pocos paĆses donde la democracia aĆŗn sobrevive. Pero tiene que hacerlo mejor para proteger los derechos de los inmigrantes que ya estĆ”n aquĆ”, dice. JesĆŗs se niega a ser encasillado por suposiciones sociales.
Se ve a sĆ mismo no como un forastero, sino como un contribuyente, listo para enriquecer la vida estadounidense. “Un dĆa espero tener hijos y quiero que tengan una vida libre de las cosas que experimentĆ© en Venezuela”, dijo. JesĆŗs cree en segundas oportunidades y no estĆ” limitado por dogmas religiosos ni moralizaciones; en cambio, desafĆa todo eso. “No creo en el cielo ni en el infierno. Nadie sabe la respuesta sobre si hay una vida despuĆ©s de la muerte”, dice. “Todo lo que sĆ© es que todo tiene un comienzo y un final. Y me gustarĆa creer que despuĆ©s de que algo termina, hay un nuevo comienzo”.
Hans Vompakerth es un joven gay de 23 aƱos de MedellĆn, Colombia, y a pesar de ser indocumentado, dice que no tiene miedo de contar su historia.
“Hay miles de personas como yo y no les suceden cosas malas, asĆ que Āæpor quĆ© deberĆa guardarlo en secreto?”
DespuĆ©s de todo, no ha hecho nada malo, dado el poco acogedor ojo oficial de las autoridades de inmigraciĆ³n al llegar a los Estados Unidos.
“Hubo dos ocasiones en las que ingresĆ© a los Estados Unidos cerca de Tijuana… La primera vez me devolvieron al lado mexicano de la frontera”, dice. PasĆ³ un aƱo y lo intentĆ³ de nuevo.
“Me capturaron y me procesaron como antes, pero esta vez, en lugar de devolverme al lado mexicano, me llevaron, a mĆ y a un grupo de personas, en un automĆ³vil blanco del gobierno y nos dejaron en medio de la nada en el lado estadounidense. Nos dejaron buscando civilizaciĆ³n”.
La determinaciĆ³n de Hans de venir a los Estados Unidos parece provenir de su respeto y admiraciĆ³n duraderos por su trabajadora madre. Son tan cercanos que la Ćŗnica persona que sabĆa que iba a salir de Colombia era ella. El resto de su familia estaba en la oscuridad hasta que Ć©l se instalĆ³ de manera segura en los Estados Unidos y su madre los informĆ³.
“Lo hice por ella. TrabajĆ³ tan duro para mantener unida a la familia y supongo que, como el hijo mayor, querĆa hacerle la vida mĆ”s fĆ”cil y proveer para ella, mis 3 hermanas y mi hermano menor”, dice.
Sin embargo, en marzo pasado, la familia sufriĆ³ una tragedia. Su hermano menor, de 20 aƱos, dejĆ³ el hogar sin avisar. DespuĆ©s de unos dĆas de bĆŗsqueda constante y preocupaciĆ³n, la familia fue informada de que su cuerpo habĆa aparecido en una isla cercana.
“Me sentĆ impotente. No pude regresar ni hacer nada excepto ayudar con todos los gastos”, dijo con dolor. “Tuve que consolarme sabiendo que mis hermanas estaban allĆ para cuidar de ella mientras ella lloraba”. A pesar de las presiones familiares, en Estados Unidos, Hans dice que tiene un nuevo sentido de la vida que contrasta fuertemente con los oscuros desafĆos que enfrentĆ³ en su tierra natal.
“Siento que soy mucho mĆ”s respetado y aceptado por todos. Me siento mucho mĆ”s resiliente y feliz, y eso me ha permitido superarlo todo. Cuando muriĆ³ mi hermano, llorĆ© trabajando mĆ”s duro y usando el dinero para cubrir los gastos del funeral. Todos los dĆas, pasaba horas en WhatsApp con mi mamĆ” y todavĆa lo hago”.
Entonces, no fue la violencia y la homofobia lo que motivĆ³ a Hans a dejar Colombia. “Nunca fui vĆctima de discriminaciĆ³n o violencia en Colombia”, dice. “HuĆ de una situaciĆ³n donde habĆa escasez de todo, sin recursos en general, ni siquiera suficiente comida. VivĆa en constante tumulto econĆ³mico, incluso mi propia salud se vio afectada. No habĆa trabajos.
“Y si mi mamĆ” y mi familia iban a sobrevivir”, dijo, “tenĆa que huir”. “No experimentĆ© violencia ni homofobia hasta que puse un pie en MĆ©xico y tuve contacto con las autoridades de inmigraciĆ³n de Estados Unidos”, dijo. “Fueron horribles conmigo”.
Pero desde que llegĆ³ a Los Ćngeles, Hans dice que no ha experimentado discriminaciĆ³n ni violencia. Aunque ha requerido persistencia y no ha sido fĆ”cil, Hans dice que su viaje de inmigraciĆ³n ha sido lo mĆ”s importante que ha hecho en su vida. “Fue una decisiĆ³n que lo cambiĆ³ todo para mĆ y mi familia”.
Pero aĆŗn no ha logrado lo que llama su sueƱo americano, obtener estatus legal y vivir en este paĆs sin temor a ser devuelto. Hans tiene una perspectiva muy positiva y una creencia en la bondad innata de las personas, aunque es muy consciente del lado oscuro. “Mudarme a este paĆs”, declara, “ha cambiado mi vida. Vivir en Estados Unidos me ha ayudado a levantarme, a ser disciplinado, a ser sensible, a aprender mĆ”s, a cuidarme mĆ”s a mĆ mismo y a ayudar a todos los que me importan”.
Laura Morales GarcĆa naciĆ³ en Durango, MĆ©xico y llegĆ³ a Los Ćngeles a la temprana edad de 2 aƱos, donde llegĆ³ con su familia indocumentada.
Ha pasado toda su vida defendiendo a los beneficiarios de DACA y es una de las principales expertas en el tema y una destacada defensora. Se graduĆ³ de Los Angeles High School y fue la primera en su familia en asistir a la universidad, obteniendo su tĆtulo en PsicologĆa ClĆnica.
GarcĆa se dedica al servicio pĆŗblico y trabaja para educar a los estudiantes de secundaria sobre la comunidad LGBTQ+.
Es embajadora de AHF, representante de farmacias y enlace comunitario de AHF para la prevenciĆ³n y atenciĆ³n del VIH.
The event was sponsored by Los Angeles Blade, LOUD, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the office of LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis, the office of LA County Supervisor Chair Lindsey Horvath and Equality California.
Denounce hate by calling (833) 866-4283 or 833-8-NO-HATE, callers can report anonymously Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Queer Latin Dance LA celebrates decade of inclusive lessons
How this small dance class turned into a decade-long organization
Queer Latin Dance L.A. hosted their Holiday Social on Saturday, celebrating their 10-year anniversary. Beginner and experienced dancers were welcomed to the night-long party that went from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. The evening featured music by D.J. K Bunny and special performances.
Arlene Santos, one of the cofounders of Queer Latin Dance L.A., said the group started when a friend who had visited Santosā own studio invited her to teach at a meetup in North Hollywood. Through word of mouth, about 80 people showed up to the first meetup of what they called a āsame-sex dance class.ā Chairs and tables had to be shuffled around to make space for dancing in the small, smoky dive bar.
Santos told CALĆ News that people had driven to North Hollywood all the way from Diamond Bar and Orange County. When she suggested salsa studios closer to those travelers, they told her they didnāt feel welcome in other dance spaces. One of the reasons was that gender was more strictly enforced; attending men didnāt want to dance with other men and women werenāt welcome to try and lead. Same-sex dancing couples received uncomfortable stares from others and teachers used unnecessarily gendered language to refer to class members.
āThat’s something that I was guilty of 20 years ago when I was teaching,ā Santos said. āIād say, āokay, take the ladies and rotate.ā And now it’s something I would never even dream of saying because it doesn’t even make sense to me anymore. It’s not about ladies and gentlemen, [dancing] is about leaders and followers.ā
The queer-specific dance scene has grown over the past 10 years, according to Santos, who said Queer Latin Dance L.A. cross-promotes with other groups and sends students with different schedules to places that are a better fit. The company has grown in their own ways as well. Now, a few former students have become instructors who lead the groupās very own competitive dance team.
Santos said sheās hopeful about the years to come.
āI just want the scene to keep growing and for these spaces to be around so that anyone can come and dance and feel like they’re in a safe space,ā she said.
Saturday night featured a salsa class at 8 p.m., bachata lesson at 8:40 p.m., and dance performances at 10 p.m. more information can be found on their site
Arts & Entertainment
GMCLA to perform concert filled with holiday magic and sugar
The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles heads to the Saban Theatre on 14th and 15th December
When it comes to all-sing-and-dance musical productions, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles never fails to pull out all the stops. The festive shows make the Top Twenty LA Holiday Events List annually and 2024 looks to be no exception.
The SugarPlum Fairies Holiday Concert is set to feature āsome of the most magical music ever written, filled with sugar plums, rich chocolate, and pure fantasy.ā
Audiences can expect the 200-strong chorus to perform 25 songs ranging from iconic Christmas classics to a modern twist on the festive ballet. The Nutcrackerās Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’s Pure Imagination are among the musical repertoire, while Dolly Partonās Hard Candy Christmas and Siaās Candy Cane Lane represent the new holiday cohort.
“You’re going to hear some Christina Aguilera, you’re going to hear some old school [songs] from the 60s about candy, and you’re also going to hear some traditional music,” said choreographer, Ray Leeper. “Wonka is really hot right now, so you’re going to hear some of the the old Wonka and from the new movie.”
This yearās Christmas show promises to be a particularly special one, with the group celebrating its 45th anniversary of service and community.
āEverything we do is because of the incredible support we get from our singing members, who have been giving their time, energy, commitment, and activism for over 45 years,ā GMCLA Executive Director, Lou Spisto explained.
The chorus continues to garner acclaim for artistic excellence while remaining deeply rooted in its service. For those who donāt know, GMCLA was founded in 1979 in the midst of the countryās gay rights movement.
Members spread a message of love and acceptance, with programs like SugarPlum focusing just as much on social justice as they do show tunes.
āThe Gay Menās Chorus of Los Angeles is well known for great music, great artistry, and great concerts that we do in these major venues around townābut itās far more than that,ā Spisto added.āEach year, we do around 43 events in high schools, community centers, and hospitals to be with our communities and support themā¦ those who look like us and those who donāt. Iām so proud to say weāve grown these projects over the last six years.ā
Its award-winning school program Alive Music Project has served over 90,000 young people since its inception. AMP also offers an opportunity to enrich each schoolās music education program, with Choral students invited to perform with GMCLA at the presentations.
Their Arts for Healing & Justice program provides introductory music classes for incarcerated youth in Los Angeles Countyās juvenile correctional system. They join an interdisciplinary collaboration of outstanding organizations, providing exceptional arts programming to build resiliency and wellness, eliminate recidivism, and transform the juvenile justice system.
Concerts such as SugarPlum are helping to raise funds for this vital work on an annual basis. When the chorus isnāt working on ticketed events like their Christmas concert, their yearly free events help to expand community access even further. Past venues include the Hollywood Bowl, Walt Disney Concert Hall, and Pasadena Civic Auditorium.
As for the immediate future, GMCLAās hope is triumphing over hate. The result of this yearās presidential election is likely to affect Californiaās LGBTQ+ community in some way, but Spisto is only seeing upsides, not downsides.
One such upside? Using SugarPlum as the perfect opportunity to celebrate Los Angelesā vibrant queer community for the loud and proud individuals they are.
āItās an interesting time in our world today. GMCLA has been speaking loudly, singing loudly, and standing up for this community and others for decades, and weāre going to continue to do that,ā said Spisto.
SugarPlum Fairies will be at the Saban Theatre, Beverly Hills on December 14 at 8pm and December 15 at 3:30pm. Buy tickets now at Prices range from $45-$125. If you want to support the Chorusā ongoing educational work, you can make a donation at Eligible donations of $120 or moreāor new monthly donations of $10 or moreāwill receive an official GMCLA Holiday Sweatshirt as a thank-you gift. Donations must be made by December 31st to be eligible.
Arts & Entertainment
Comedian Adam Sank knows heās just as damaged as his ‘Bad Dates’
In his āone-man show about many menā Adam Sank comes to terms with a lifetime spent searching for āthe oneā
At 54 and single, comedian Adam Sank is as much a veteran of the gay dating scene and of the stage, so when he was challenged to put together his new show, he did what came natural: he mined his lifetime of hookups and dates gone wrong, for an hour of laughs.
Now heās bringing that award-winning show, Bad Dates: A One-Man Show About Many Men, to Southern California for a pair of dates in Los Angeles and San Diego Dec 6-7.
āThe show opens with me saying, āI’m 53 years old and single,ā and fortunately, I haven’t had to change the script in the last year and a half that I’ve been performing this,ā Sank said with a wry smile over a Zoom call from his New York apartment.
If that sounds like a hint of bitterness about the single life coming through, Sank is quick to dismiss it.
āI think there’s this notion in our culture, it’s sort of ingrained in us that if you’re not married, if you don’t find your person, you’re somehow lesser. You’re somehow leading a less full life,ā Sank said. āIt’s taken me a long time to be able to say I truly believe that’s bullshit.ā
āFinding your person does not equal happiness and being single does not equal sadness,ā he continued.
Sank has been rising through the comedy trenches for twenty years. He says he got a late start in stand-up at age 32, after getting burned out working as a television news producer. Over the years, heās competed on Last Comic Standing and appeared as a commentator on shows like I Love the 2000s and Best Week Ever.
Bad Dates marks something of a departure, with a stronger focus on long-form narrative as Sank goes deeper into what a life spent single means. And itās a departure thatās won him many plaudits from critics such as two Broadway World Cabaret Awards for the showās original run at the Stonewall Inn in New York last summer.
āThereās a cost to spending your entire adult life searching for the one, the perfect love story, when we expend so much energy and time and resources into that one thing we neglect everything else,ā he said.
But Bad Dates at least proves thereās one benefit to trudging through the dating trenches across decades: the stories. And boy, does Sank have stories. Twinks, injuries, being invited to orgies, not being invited to orgiesāSankās dating life has proven a goldmine of hilarious material.
āWe like hearing about any misfortune because we identify with so much of it and it makes us feel less alone. You know, I think a lot of people out thereāespecially people who are not necessarily young and singleārelate to this show because they’re like, āOh my God, I’m not the only one who has been through these situations,āā he said.
Which isnāt to say Sank doesnāt have those romantic notions. Heās just maybe become a bit more realistic about the pursuit of partnership.
āWhen I was younger, I don’t think I was ready. I think I had so much work I needed to do on myself, and I had this very false idea about what a relationship should look like and what it would do for me. I basically bought into the whole rom-com idea that you would meet your person and you would live happily ever after. And that’s just not true for anyone. Even if you have the world’s greatest relationship, you have to constantly be doing work on yourself and on your relationship to keep it going,ā he said.
If Sank reveals any regret, itās that he didnāt figure all that out sooner.
āI really need a guy in my age range who’s single and they’re almost always really damagedāwhich is why they’re still single at my age,ā he said. āI’m sure I’m just as damaged as they are, but the point is, it’s a lot harder.ā
Adam Sankās solo show Bad Dates goes on at The Broadwater Main Stage, 1078 Lillian Way, Los Angeles, on Friday, December 6 at 9pm, and at the Diversionary Theatre, 4545 Park Boulevard #101, San Diego, on Saturday, December 7 at 7:30pm. Tickets here.
Botitas World: the business brand aimed at building community
CafƩcito and Comunidad, the event to gather in QTBIPOC community
Zizi Bandera and Ty Curiel, came together to form what is now Botitasāa small business brand and organizing space for Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous and People of Color to celebrate and embrace identity, ethnicity and community.Ā
The co-founders of Saturdayās Botitas event CafĆ©cito and Comunidad, say they had to close the RSVPās because they reached capacity and were afraid of having issues with the Parks and Recreation Department that issues parking permits and sets a limit for the number of people allowed to gather at Elysian Park in Los Angeles.
āItās our first event here and itās an amazing turnout,ā said Bandera. āTikTok blew us up.ā
Bandera referenced the TikTok video they posted announcing the event and says that they woke up the next morning to see that they had well over a hundred RSVPās for the event that they expected would only have a couple dozen people.
āWe had someone who is part of our community call up the councilmember for this district and was able to talk to whoever is in charge of Parks and Rec to OK more capacity,ā said Bandera. ā[Eunisses Hernandez, Councilmember CD-1] also got us the tables and permits.ā
Bandera stresses that the amount of people who reserved a spot for the event comes to show the need for space like Botitas.
āI thought it was going to be maybe fifteen, twenty people,ā said Bandera.
The space is held intentionally for the BIPOC community within the broader LGBTQ+ community, with the intention of centering BIPOC voices that can otherwise be erased, marginalized, sidelined or silenced in broader community conversations.
āOur focus is to have these community spaces and to serve our trans Latine community in Los Angeles and beyond,ā continued Bandera. āWe thought about making this project a nonprofit, but we wanted to really have full agency and control over, in terms of the needs of our community.ā
Bandera says that going the nonprofit route has its own challenges and obstacles because of different stakeholders. They stress the importance of their community being the stakeholders in this business journey.
Though the day was a bit gloomy with some light rain, many people gathered to mingle, chat and yap, along with some coffee at Elysian Park in Los Angeles this past Saturday (Photo Credit Gisselle Palomera).
āIāve been working in community organizing, mobilizing around LGBTQ and immigrant issues for almost fifteen years now and Iāve always wanted to create something that was for us, led by usāqueer, trans, Latine and intergenerational.ā
Bandera says that they were inspired to create this space for QTBIPOC because of a report released earlier this year pointing to a loneliness epidemic that disproportionately affects LGBTQ+ people over their heterosexual peers.
The report states that āā¦LGBTQ+ youth exhibit higher rates of loneliness, social isolation, and depressive symptoms than their heterosexual peers. Moreover, LGBTQ+ youth grappling with loneliness are less likely to reach out for help regarding their mental health concerns.ā
The other co-founder of Botitas has different reasons to have started this business journey.
āBotitas is one day today and another thing tomorrow,ā Curiel said. āOur idea came from wanting to create a brandāsomething that you can wear when youāre out and about in the city. A brand that is backed by people who resonate with you as Latine folks, queer, trans and thatās what we are.ā
Curiel also states that the current state of politics also plays a major role in his idea to create Botitas. āWe want to [create these spaces], especially in this time and age where thereās a rhetoric of people spreading hate.ā
This event is in a public space, encouraging people who show up, to gather in a space that supports sobriety. The offerings included cafƩcito, pastries and games.
Earlier this year during pride month, Curiel says he and Bandera were looking at historic news articles and photographs of LGBTQ+ life in Los Angeles during the 1950s and 60s, from an exhibit at the Central Library in DTLA, and thatās when it hit them both that none of the people in the photos looked like them. They did not feel represented.
This moment urged them to reconsider what it means to them to feel represented, heard and seenāthus bringing about the idea for Botitas.
Follow @Botitas.World on Instagram and TikTok to get more information on upcoming events.
LA events to attend in honor of Trans Day of Remembrance
If youāre looking to pay your respects or be in community with others, here are a few events to attend
Content Warning: Mentions of hate, gender-based violence.
Trans Day of Remembrance is coming up this Nov. 20, preceded by the Trans Week of Awareness from Nov. 13 to 19.
This year has been full of grief for the transgender community across the country. In 2024 alone, the Human Rights Campaign has kept track of 27 transgender and gender-expansive people across the United States who died of violent causes, such as gun or intimate partner violence. According to the Los Angeles District Attorneyās Office Hate Crime Report on data from 2022, 44 anti-trans hate crimes were the highest number ever recorded in the county, surpassing 42 in 2019. The county crimes had a large rate of violence as well at 91 percent. TDOR seeks to honor the lives of people lost to this type of circumstance.
For those unfamiliar with the history, Trans Day of Remembrance started in 1998 with Gwendolyn Ann Smith. According to Vogue Magazine, the trans writer and activist heard of Black trans woman Rita Hesterās murder in Boston in an online forum, and found the case was greatly similar to that of another Black trans woman who had been killed in Boston in 1995, Chanel Pickett. Realizing a need for documentation, Smith created the Remembering Our Dead web project to track instances of violence against the trans community.
In 1999, trans community members in both San Francisco and Boston used the web project as source material to coordinate candlelight vigils, creating the November holiday.
āI am no stranger to the need to fight for our rights, and the right to simply exist is first and foremost,ā Smith said. āWith so many seeking to erase transgender people ā sometimes in the most brutal ways possible ā it is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice.ā
If youāre looking to pay your respects or be in community with others, here are a few events to attend. Allies welcome.
November 15, 6 p.m.:Ā The Trans Advisory Board in West Hollywood is hosting a small reception and ceremony at the WeHo City Council Chambers. For more details, visitĀ
November 20, 3 to 6 p.m.:Ā Cal State L.A., is hosting a resource fair with music, vendors, and more to celebrate and commemorate the trans community. Find more informationĀ on their event page.Ā
November 20, 4 p.m.: L.A. Civil Rights Department, Trans Advisory Council and the office of Councilwoman Traci Park are hosting a gathering at City Hall. Guests are invited to join an evening of reflection and community. Register for free through this form.
November 20, 5 to 7 p.m.: The queer and trans connect team at Latino Equality Alliance is hosting a special event inviting community members to bring photos for their TDOR altar and enjoy light refreshments. Find more details and register for the event for free through their online form.
Arts & Entertainment
Infinity Festival Kicks Off Today: A Celebration of Creativity, Innovation and AI
The founders are a gay couple who met in the tech industry
Infinity Festival brings together art, innovative technology and creative thinking, to the intersection of the Hollywood entertainment industry. This year, the event is taking place at The Avalon Hollywood, Nov 6 through Nov 9.
The event founders, Mark Lieber and Adam Newman, created this space to bring together Hollywoodās creative visionaries, with Silicon Valleyās cutting-edge technology.
Mark and Adam are not only business partners, but life partners too.
āWe met at a party in the Paramount lot and that was 28 years ago,ā said Adam. āWe worked separately for many, many years and when our careers started to change a bit, we came together to develop projects in television through a company that we formed.ā
The two decided to marry in 2014, soon after it became legal to do so in California after Prop 8 was successfully ruled unconstitutional and same-sex couples were allowed to marry.
āWe live together, so work is 24/7 and we often get into situations where I have to ask Mark not to talk about work after one oāclock in the morning because I need to go to sleep,ā said Adam.
The two set out on a mission to unite their complementary strengths and creative visions, to bring together this innovative festival that spotlights the foremost cutting-edge technologies in the entertainment industry.
This yearās festival will feature prominent voices from the technology, gaming and entertainment industries. The festival will also feature Julienās Auction, presenting over 200 collectibles from Star Trek on exhibition throughout the festival and then culminating in a live auction on Saturday at 10AM.
The festivalās purpose is to display and discuss the future of technology and its intersection with the gaming and entertainment industries using Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
The festival features keynote speeches, collaborative demonstrations with partners like Sony, HP, Verizon and Intel.
The panels will feature discussions on the evolution of animation, cross-media development, virtual effects, gaming production and many other topics.
āWeāre not there to talk about how scary AI is, but to talk about how itās going to be a wonderful tool to push the entertainment business into a broader scope of technology,ā said Adam in an interview with Los Angeles Blade.
Mark addressed the concerns that many people have regarding AI taking jobs in the entertainment industry, specifically Hollywood.
The major points of discussion and demonstration at Infinity Festival include: Generative AI, Utility AI, Procedural AI, Mini Labs- Scripted & Unscripted, Machine Learning, Ethics, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision (AR, Spatial Computing), Deep Learning and Expert Systems.
Earlier this year, Gov. Newsom singed AB 896, the Generative Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act, into law.
āWe are talking to people who are using it in a way that wonāt eliminate creative jobs, but maximize efficiency,ā said Adam.
There is a lot of fear and anxiety surrounding job loss to AI, but Adam reassures festival attendees that learning about how to work in tandem with AI, will be beneficial to productivity and that this is a good thing for many of these industries and their many job functions.
āI look forward to seeing everybody, I mean really, itās just a great group of people and bring these two groups of tech and production together,ā said Mark.
(Photo Courtesy of Mark and Adam) Adam (L) and Mark (R), have been married for over 10 years and together they dedicate their careers toward making Infinity Festival a success for the entertainment, gaming and tech industries.
Mark and Adam created the festival in 2018, but they have been married for 10 years. They got married shortly after it became legal in California in 2013.
They both came from a background in entertainment, Mark has experience in executive roles and Adam had experience in Hollywood production. They came together, married and in 2017, when both of their careers were taking a different path, they decided to start Infinity Festival.
Since then, they have worked together to bring forth the best and latest technology to their events and bridge the gap between industries that will continue to incorporate AI into their systems.
The Monolith Awards this year will happen on Friday, Nov 8 at 7:30PM at The Aster. There are various categories for the Monolith Awards; Gaming Tech: Audio-Driven Narrative, Excellence in User Experience, Visionary Innovation, Live Engagement, Jurors Choice: New Media Fine Art, Audience Award for Best of Fest Popular Vote, Next Gen: Student + Teacher, and the Nexus Award: Excellence in Applied Technology.
Beverly Hills Pet Festival returns with doggy adoptions, family activities
Even the dogs know 90210 is the zip code that offers the best treats.
Beverly Hills is known for high-end shopping, $500 haircuts, pampering at every turn and a few famous and infamous celebrity homes. But this Sunday it’s going to the dogs ā at least for one day.
Beverly Hills will host its annual Doggy Daze 90210 festival next Sunday at Roxbury Park, transforming the grassy expanse known as “Wiggly Field” into a hub for pet adoptions, entertainment and family activities.
The free event, running from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Nov. 3, aims to connect homeless pets with potential owners while celebrating the bond between humans and animals.
“This is more than just a pet festival ā it’s about building community and helping animals in need,” said Dana Besen, spokesperson for the City of Beverly Hills, which organizes the event.
Five rescue organizations, including The Amanda Foundation and Wags and Walks, will bring adoptable pets to the festival. A highlight of the day will be a pet parade featuring costumed animals, followed by a talent contest.
30 vendors will line the park, offering everything from luxury pet spa services to gourmet pet food. Even Shake Shack is getting in on the action, selling special “pup cups” for four-legged attendees.
For children, the festival will feature an arts and crafts zone, face painting, and library story time sessions. Food trucks will be onsite throughout the day.
The event has attracted notable local support, with Beverly Hills residents Lili and Jon Bosse serving as gold sponsors. Owen Care and Foo Dee Doo Press have also signed on as sponsors.
To manage the expected crowds, organizers have arranged free parking at Beverly Hills High School, with pet-friendly shuttles running to and from the park from 10:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Last year’s event drew hundreds of attendees and resulted in so many pet adoptions, according to city officials, that the event is now one of the most popular the city hosts. They expect an even larger turnout this year.
The festival comes as animal shelters across Los Angeles County report high numbers of pets needing homes, making events like Doggy Daze increasingly important for connecting animals with potential adopters.
Roxbury Park is located at 471 S. Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills. More information about the event can be found at
Arts & Entertainment
This Bunny is not for everybunnyĀ
Lady Bunny Warns āDonāt Bring the Kidsā to her LA Show
Drag legend Lady Bunny is back in Los Angeles in “Don’t Bring the Kids,” her laugh-out-loud comedy show that has been selling out venues nationwide. Known for her towering wigs, sharp wit, and fearless attitude, Bunny’s latest revue delivers everything fans love about herāand more. On Saturday, October 19, at 6 p.m., “Don’t Bring the Kids” lands at The Vault in the Beverly Center, promising an early evening of pure, unfiltered entertainment that’s definitely not for the faint of heart.
So, what can fans expect from Lady Bunny this time around? True to form, āDonāt Bring the Kidsā is packed with jaw-dropping moments, from parodies of pop icons like Adele and Cardi B to an original dance tune called āIs It Ozempic, Orā¦ā, based on Bunnyās distorted views of the popular weight-loss drug. āThe show is a mix of musical styles,ā Bunny explains. It even includes a dishy number about some of your favorite queens from RuPaulās Drag Race. āI tease Trixie Mattel for stealing my look, call out Willam for being a whore, and do a remake of āBig Dick Energyā about Yvie Oddly. Letās just say the rumors are true,ā she says.
āDrag Race has given me plenty of material,ā she reflects. āI love poking fun at the queens, and I always update my act with topical humor.ā
āDonāt Bring the Kidsā isnāt merely about drag celebrity gossip. Bunny tackles serious issues, like defending drag queen story hours in the face of conservative backlash. āAs I say in the show, āLook at my wig. I can barely groom myself!āā Bunny quips.
Thereās also a parody of the viral spat between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Representative Jasmine Crockett, and Bunny takes the opportunity to unveil her brand-new bitch track, āPussy This Goodā, out now on all platforms.
The performance pushes boundaries, and Bunny admits thatās exactly the point. āI came up in the late-night NYC club scene where we were encouraged to be as wild and dirty as possible. My humor isnāt for everyone, and itās certainly not for kids ā hence the title.ā
āDonāt Bring the Kidsā is both a warning and a promise. Bunny makes it clear that her comedy is strictly for mature audiences, with jokes and performances that might be too much even for some adults. āIāve always felt itās important to be upfront,ā she continues. āI love dark, raunchy humor, and thatās what my audience comes for. Every show so far has gotten a standing ovation, and weāve sold out in Philly, DC, and San Francisco.ā
For Bunny, bringing her show to LA, particularly at The Vault, is an exciting opportunity. āIāve worked with Voss Events (the showās producer) for years, and they found this fantastic space. I DJed there this past New Yearās Eve, and itās perfect ā great stage, excellent sound. Iām excited to be back in LA, a city that always knows how to appreciate a little twisted drag humor.ā
Of course, no Lady Bunny interview would be complete without a few words about her longtime friendship with Troy Masters, publisher of LA Blade. āTroy and I go way back,ā Bunny recalls. āOne of my first magazine covers was for Outweek, a publication he ran back in the ā80s. I was still thin then and working my own blonde hair! Heās been such a supporter, even hiring me to work as a phone monitor for his boyfriendās sex line. Iād pop onto the leather line in a queeny voice, calling myself āHumphrey Davenport, dominant top.ā The leather guys hated it, but I thought it was hilarious.ā
Lady Bunny presents āDonāt Bring the Kidsā at The Vault in the Beverly Center on Saturday, October 19th at 6pm. For ticketās visit
40th anniversary AIDS Walk happening this weekend in West Hollywood
AIDS Project Los Angeles Health will gather in West Hollywood Park to kick off 40th anniversary celebration
APLA Health will celebrate its 40th anniversary this Sunday at West Hollywood Park, by kicking off the worldās first and oldest AIDS walk with a special appearance by Salina Estitties, live entertainment, and speeches.
APLA Health, which was formerly known as AIDS Project Los Angeles, serves the underserved LGBTQ+ communities of Los Angeles by providing them with resources.
āWe are steadfast in our efforts to end the HIV epidemic in our lifetime. Through the use of tools like PrEP and PEP, the science of āundetectable equals intransmissible,ā and our working to ensure broad access to LGTBQ+ empowering healthcare, we can make a real step forward in the fight to end this disease,ā said APLA Healthās chief executive officer, Craig E. Thompson.
For 40 years, APLA Health has spearheaded programs, facilitated healthcare check-ups and provided other essential services to nearly 20,000 members of the LGBTQ+ community annually in Los Angeles, regardless of their ability to pay.
APLA Health provides LGBTQ+ primary care, dental care, behavioral healthcare, HIV specialty care, and other support services for housing and nutritional needs.
The AIDS Walk will begin at 10AM and registrations are open for teams and solo walkers. More information can be found on the APLA Healthās website.Ā Ā
Arts & Entertainment
LGBTQ+Ć Literary Festival kicks off this week in Los Angeles
The festival will bring together authors, readers, academics and activists to discuss their experiences and share perspectives about the LGBTQ+ community.
The first LGBTQ+Ć Literary Festival in Spanish ā the first of its kind ā will kick-off six days of panels, short film screenings, book signings, performances and a photo exhibit starting today, at different locations across Los Angeles.Ā
The LGBTQ+Ć Literary Festival will bring together Spanish-speaking and Latin American writers who explore and celebrate a variety of themes in their work, including sexual diversity and perspectives on identity.Ā
āFeminist culture and LGBTQ+ culture have been the movements that have most transformed modern societies in recent decades, and therefore deserve special attention,ā said LuisgĆ© MartĆn, director of Instituto Cervantes of Los Ćngeles. āThere was no stable forum that brought together creators from across the Spanish-speaking world, which is why we have organized this literary festival. It aims to serve as a framework for reflection and a meeting point for LGBTQ+ writers.ā
The festival will bring together authors, readers, academics and activists, to discuss their experiences and share perspectives about the LGBTQ+ community and its academic intersections.Ā
The first stop for the literary festival is at the Instituto Cervantes of Los Ćngeles, from 7 PM to 9 PM on Tuesday, to screen short films that are part of FanCineQueer.Ā
The festival will feature authors like Myriam Gurba Serrano, Alejandro CĆ³rdova āTaylorā, Felipe J. Garcia, Boris Izaguirre, Nando LĆ³pez, MarĆa MĆnguez Arias, Felipe Restrepo Pombo, Claudia Salazar JimĆ©nez, Pablo Simonetti, and Gabriela Wiener.
There will also be a photo exhibit and featured photographers such as Gonza Gallego and Liliana Hueso.
The festival will take place at multiple venues including the Instituto Cervantes of Los Ćngeles, The Student Union at Los Angeles City College and Circus of Books.
For more information on the event visit the Instagram page for Instituto Cervantes of Los Ćngeles.
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