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Kharkiv activists hold annual Pride event

Russian airstrikes regularly target Ukrainian city



Upwards of 60 people took part in the annual Kharkiv Pride march in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on Sept. 15, 2024. (Photo courtesy of Kharkiv Pride)

Upwards of 60 people participated in a Pride event that activists organized in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Sunday.

A press release that Kharkiv Pride released notes 13 cars “drove along one of the city’s main avenues to raise awareness about the need to uphold human rights and secure international support for the defense and recovery of Kharkiv.”

Kharkiv, which is Ukraine’s second-largest city, is less than 30 miles from the Russian border in the eastern part of the country. 

Russia has repeatedly targeted the city since the Kremlin launched its war against Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022. 

A Russian airstrike on March 1, 2022, killed Elvira Schemur, an LGBTQ rights activist who volunteered for Kharkiv Pride and Kyiv Pride, a group that is in the Ukrainian capital. Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender American journalist who is now a member of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, arrived in Kharkiv eight days after Schemur’s death. 

The Kharkiv Pride press release notes “several “LGBTQ+ soldiers participated in the march.”

“We need to show visibility that there are LGBTQ+ people in the army,” said Vlad, an LGBTQ soldier identified by the call sign “Sapsan,” in the Kharkiv Pride press release. “Those who attend the march represent the voices of those on the front lines and, sadly, those who are no longer with us.” 

A soldier participates in the annual Kharkiv Pride event in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on Sept. 15, 2024. (Photo courtesy of Kharkiv Pride)

Kharkiv Pride in its press release expressed support for bills that would legally recognize same-sex couples and add sexual orientation and gender identity to Ukraine’s hate crimes law.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in August 2022 endorsed the civil partnerships bill. 

Zelenskyy in 2021 pledged Ukraine would continue to fight discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity after he met with President Joe Biden at the White House. Ukrainian lawmakers in late 2022 unanimously approved a media regulation bill that bans hate speech and incitement based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

“Each group of cars carried specific messages to authorities and international partners,” said Kharkiv Pride in its press release. “Kharkiv Pride is urging the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) to pass legislation that strengthens accountability for hate crimes (Bill № 5488) and introduces registered partnerships (Bill № 9103.)”

“Activists are also appealing to European countries to help protect Kharkiv’s skies with modern air defense systems and to international partners to consider the needs of underrepresented and vulnerable groups, involving them in decision-making processes during recovery planning,” it added.

Kharkiv Pride Co-organizer Anna Sharyhina noted this year’s theme was “Together for Equality and Victory.”

“We remember every day how important Ukraine’s victory is,” said Sharyhina. “Just as important to us is the fight for equal rights and the protection of the LGBTQ+ community. People who are fighting, risking their lives, cannot be denied their rights. It is both unjust and undignified, and the war has only highlighted these challenges.” 

