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Out in the World: LGBTQ+ news from Canada, Europe, and Asia

Lawmaker urges Hong Kong to ignore relationship recognition court ruling



(Los Angeles Blade graphic)


Transgender activists in the province of Alberta have filed the first of an expected series of lawsuits against a trio of anti-LGBTQ+ bills passed by the provincial legislature last week

The province’s United Conservative Party government passed the long-promised legislation which bars trans youth under 16 from accessing gender care, bans trans women and girls from women’s sports, requires parental notification and consent if a student under 16 wishes to use a different name or pronoun, and requires parental notification and consent ahead of any discussion of sexual orientation, gender identity or sexuality in classrooms.

On Friday, Canada’s largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group Egale filed a joint legal challenge with the Calgary-based trans support center Skipping Stone and five families against the medical care ban, as that bill came into effect immediately upon passage.

“The actions of the government of Alberta are unprecedented. Never before in Canada has a government prohibited access to gender affirming health care,” says Kara Smyth, co-counsel in the case, in a press statement.

Egale says that the law violates the rights of trans people under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including the right to security of the person, freedom from cruel and unusual treatment, and equality. 

It also says the law violates Alberta’s recently amended Bill of Rights, including the right to not be subjected to, or coerced into receiving, medical care, medical treatment, or a medical procedure without consent. This was recently added into provincial law as a sop to far-right conspiracy theorists around vaccines in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This government has acted directly counter to expert guidance and evidence, as well as the voices of Albertan families, and introduced policies that use fear and disinformation to target a small and vulnerable part of the community: 2SLGBTQI young people. All Albertan families and youth deserve the ability to access health care and participate fully in their communities,” says Amelia Newbert, co-founder and managing director of Skipping Stone.

Even if the plaintiffs succeed in court, they may still lose, because Canada’s Charter of Rights includes a clause that allows provincial governments to override fundamental rights. That’s what happened when a court in neighboring Saskatchewan ruled against a law requiring schools to out trans students to their parents.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has so far refused to say whether she’ll invoke the “notwithstanding” clause to override a court decision if the province loses.

And the temperature for LGBTQ+ rights in Alberta keeps getting worse. Also last week, the town of Barrhaven passed a citizen-initiated referendum that bans Pride flags — and all flags other than the Canadian, Albertan, or town flag — from being raised or painted on municipal property. That’s going to require that the city remove a recently installed rainbow crosswalk.

It’s the second town in Alberta to ban the Pride flags this year, after Westlock held a similar referendum in February.


A scheduled second-round presidential election was cancelled by the Constitutional Court amid allegations that Russia was interfering to aid far-right nationalist Călin Georgescu against progressive reformer Elena Lasconi.

The unprecedented move was condemned by both candidates, who accused Romania’s establishment parties of trying to usurp the democratic process. 

Declassified intelligence reports released by the government assert that Georgescu’s campaign was supported by a Russian influence operation, which was largely played out through a massive TikTok campaign that raised his profile from obscurity to winning the first-round election on Nov. 24. 

Fresh elections will be called by the new parliament that was elected separately on Dec 1. In those elections, establishment parties lost ground — and their parliamentary majority — as three far-right ultranationalist parties made major gains.

Georgescu and the three parties supporting him have long been hostile to LGBTQ+ rights. Lasconi’s record on LGBTQ+ rights is mixed. She’s previously expressed opposition to same-sex marriage, but during the campaign said she would support civil union legislation and eventually would be open to equal marriage. 

Regardless of who wins the election, it is unlikely Romania’s parliament will bring forward much pro-LGBTQ+ rights legislation.


A court in Lithuania has for the first time recognized a same-sex partner as a child’s parent, in a groundbreaking ruling in a country where same-sex couples and families have few legal rights.

The Vilnius District Court ruling came into effect on Friday, recognizing both women as the child’s parent, LRT English reports.

The couple at the center of the case are Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson Birutė Sabatauskaitė and her partner Jūratė Juškaitė, director of the Lithuanian Center for Human Rights. Juškaitė will now be able to have her name listed as a parent on all of her daughter’s documents, giving her all the rights of a mother.

“From today, our family feels safer. The Vilnius District Court’s ruling that recognises me as the mother of our little girl has come into effect,” Juškaitė posted on Facebook.

While the case does not set a legal precedent, it shows that the Lithuanian courts are open to same-sex couples in the interest of protecting family rights and children’s rights. 

“Family cases are very individual, but yes, it could certainly inspire and give hope to families who don’t fit into the traditional definition of a family,” says Donatas Murauskas, who represented Juškaitė in court.

Same-sex couples are not generally afforded legal recognition or any of the rights that married heterosexual couples have in Lithuania. A bill to recognize civil partnerships awaits a final vote in the Lithuanian parliament, but the newly elected government, a coalition of Social Democrats and nationalists, has not agreed to put the bill in their program. 


A Hong Kong lawmaker is calling on the city to ignore last year’s Court of Final Appeal ruling ordering the government to recognize same-sex unions, and is urging the city to instead appeal to mainland China to overrule the court.

Under the “One Country, Two Systems” form of government that Hong Kong has had since the end of the British colonial period in 1997, the city enjoys limited autonomy from Beijing. But China has the power to intervene on matters with “permanent, serious consequences.”

Lawmaker Junius Ho says that a series of Court of Final Appeal rulings that require the city to recognize same-sex couples and grant them equal access to public housing and inheritance rights are serious enough to warrant intervention from Beijing.

He made the comments at a forum hosted by a group he founded to fight the rulings, International Probono Legal Services Association Limited.

“The Court of Final Appeal [made these rulings] on so-called same-sex marriages under just one notion, equal rights. What equal rights? Diversity, inclusiveness and equality,” Ho said. “[These] universal values cannot override the constitution.”

Last year, the Court of Final Appeal gave the city two years to establish a legal mechanism to recognize same-sex couples, but LGBTQ+ activists have been frustrated by the lack of legislative progress on the issue.

Even as same-sex couples have continued to win victories in court, queer people have noticed that space for free expression has shrunk as the government has cut funding for LGBTQ+ service organizations and it has become more risky to accept funding from foreign sources amid a broader crackdown from the mainland on Hong Kong’s democratic institutions.



Detienen a Romeo Vásquez por asesinato de Isy Obed: ¿cuándo pagará por Vicky Hernández?

Líder trans fue asesinada durante el golpe de estado de 2019



(Imagen cortesía de Reportar sin Miedo)

Reportar sin Miedo es el socio mediático del Los Angeles Blade en Honduras. Esta nota salió en su sitio web el 5 de enero.

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Casi 16 años después del asesinato de la líder trans Vicky Hernández, el general retirado Romeo Vásquez Velásquez fue capturado hoy como supuesto responsable de la muerte violenta de Isy Obed Murillo durante el golpe de Estado de 2009. 

Tras el arresto, la opinión pública ha exigido justicia para Isy Murillo y la activista trans. Ambos fueron las primeras víctimas mortales del toque de queda encabezado por Vásquez Velásquez tras el golpe de Estado contra Manuel Zelaya Rosales en 2009.

La opinión pública se pregunta si de este modo se está allanando el camino para que los responsables paguen por el asesinato de Vicky Hernández e Isy Obed. 

Junto con el general en retiro, las autoridades capturaron a otros jerarcas de las Fuerzas Armadas. 

Estos arrestos, según el Ministerio Público, se deben a que estos militares comandaron y lideraron el operativo en que soldados abrieron fuego contra manifestantes opuestos al golpe de Estado, el 5 de julio de 2009.

Ese día, cientos de hondureños se aglomeraron cerca del aeropuerto Toncontín, en Tegucigalpa, para manifestarse y recibir al presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales, quien iba a regresar en avión a Honduras. 

Sin embargo, el ejército impidió la entrada de Zelaya en una acción en la cual mató de un balazo en la cabeza al joven Isy Obed Murillo. 

«No solo incumplieron su deber de supervisar y controlar a sus subordinados, sino que, con pleno conocimiento de los hechos, permitieron y facilitaron estas atrocidades», dijo el MP en un comunicado. 

A través de sus redes sociales, Romeo Vásquez respondió que la acusación en su contra es un intento del Gobierno de «callarlo a cualquier costo».

¿Pagará Romeo por el asesinato de Vicky?

Con la captura de Romeo Vásquez, el gobierno de Xiomara Castro parece haber dado un paso firme en busca de justicia para las víctimas del golpe de Estado de 2009. 

Sin embargo, los arrestos de hoy han recibido también las críticas de grupos de la oposición y críticos de la administración de la presidenta Castro.

Por otro lado, la ciudadanía espera que no solo se haga justicia en el caso de Isy Obed Murillo, sino también en el de centenares de víctimas durante el mandato del general Romeo Vásquez bajo el gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti. 

Por sobre todo, urge que las capturas de hoy abran la puerta para que las poblaciones LGBTQ+ victimizadas durante el golpe de Estado de hace 16 años reciban por fin una justicia largamente esperada.

Así, defensoras de los derechos de las diversidades esperan que las acciones de hoy sirvan para reivindicar a activistas como Vicky Hernández, asesinada entre el 28 y 29 de julio de 2009. 

“¿Cuándo pagará Romeo Vásquez por el asesinato de Vicky Hernández?” es la pregunta que se hacen las organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos de las poblaciones de la diversidad sexual en Honduras.

Según la sentencia de Vicky Hernández vs Honduras, la muerte de Vicky fue una ejecución extrajudicial cometida entre el 28 de junio y la madrugada del 29 de junio en San Pedro Sula, norte de Honduras. 

El asesinato de la líder trans se dio en el marco del toque de queda y el golpe de Estado ejecutado por Roberto Micheletti contra Manuel “Mel” Zelaya a través del jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas, Romeo Vásquez Velásquez. 

“Como representantes de las víctimas, exigimos justicia y no olvidar los asesinatos de personas LGBTI+ en el marco del golpe de Estado”, afirmó Indyra Mendoza de la Red Lésbica Cattrachas.

Asimismo, la Red Lésbica Cattrachas pidió al Ministerio Público que no olvide la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) del caso “Vicky Hernández vs Honduras”, donde se especifica que el asesinato de la líder trans fue una ejecución extrajudicial.

En su sentencia, la Corte constató indicios de participación de agentes estatales en la violación del derecho a la vida de Vicky Hernández en un contexto de violencia anti-LGBTQ+.

El Estado reconoció en parte su responsabilidad internacional, ya que las autoridades no investigaron con diligencia el homicidio de Vicky. De hecho, según la Corte, las autoridades no consideraron el contexto de discriminación y violencia policial contra las personas LGBTQ+ y las mujeres trans trabajadoras sexuales. 

Asimismo, el Tribunal determinó que, al haber sido asesinada y por el marco jurídico general de discriminación, se vulneraron los derechos a no discriminación y a la identidad de género de Vicky. A su vez, el Tribunal encontró que las familiares de Vicky Hernández resultaron afectadas por el sufrimiento que les causó su muerte, la permanente discriminación contra ella y la impunidad del homicidio.

En razón de estas violaciones, la Corte ordenó diversas medidas de reparación al Estado. Entre estas demandas está promover y continuar las investigaciones sobre el homicidio de Vicky Hernández.

Así reaccionan al arresto de Romeo  

Minutos después de la captura del general retirado Romeo Vásquez para deducirle responsabilidades por la muerte violenta de Isy Obed Murillo, personalidades del ambiente político y social de Honduras salieron a dar declaraciones al respecto en medios y redes sociales.

El padre Ismael Moreno se halla entre quienes manifestaron su satisfacción por las capturas que hacen vislumbrar un rayo de esperanza a las familiares de las víctimas del golpe de 2009. En sus redes sociales, el padre Melo señaló que no es posible dejar “en el olvido” crímenes como el cometido contra Murillo.

“Que la justicia actúe con firmeza y conforme a debido proceso ante un militar que simboliza unas FF. AA. comprometidas con la impunidad. Ningún hecho de violación a derechos humanos y crímenes que vinculan al Estado contra inocentes prescriben ni pueden quedar en el olvido”, escribió Melo

De manera parecida se expresó David Murillo, padre del joven asesinado en 2009. «No es persecución política, ¡él mató a mi hijo, él es el culpable!», afirmó el padre de Isy.

Del mismo modo, el abogado Joaquín Mejía recomendó, por su parte, consultar el informe de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación “que establece la responsabilidad de [Vásquez] en las graves violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas en el contexto del golpe de Estado”.

“Según la Comisión, la ‘responsabilidad del general […] está estrechamente ligada a la de Micheletti’”, publicó Mejía en sus redes. Además, afirmó que no debe olvidarse la responsabilidad del resto del Estado Mayor Conjunto.

Mientras tanto, la activista Berta Oliva ofreció un testimonio personal al recordar la manera como acompañó el dolor “de la madre y el padre de Isy Obed Murillo en su exilio en Argentina y en su romería interminable en Honduras”.

Para Oliva, la familia de Murillo ha recibido una “ofensa brutal” con “los años de silencio” alrededor del asesinato.  

Entretanto, Gabriela Castellanos, del Consejo Hondureño Anticorrupción (CNA), volvió a mostrar por qué la consideran una de las críticas más duras del gobierno de Xiomara Castro.

“La persecución, la tortura y el asesinato de manera sistematizada de personas por motivos políticos en el marco del golpe de Estado en 2009, son hechos indiscutibles que hoy se disfrazan en nombre de la ‘justicia’”, aseguró Castellanos en X. 

Otro crítico de la acción de hoy del Ministerio Público, el analista político Olban Valladares, afirmó que la captura de Romeo Vásquez significa que el Ministerio Público “está cumpliendo instrucciones políticas de los que el pueblo ha identificado como los mandamases”. 

Según Valladares, no es posible requerir a Vásquez porque “no se le ha probado ser ni el hechor material ni el intelectual” de la muerte violenta de Isy Murillo. Además criticó que Romeo “forma parte de un Estado Mayor Conjunto, una junta de comandantes, y se enfilan los cañones contra una sola persona”.

Entretanto, para el precandidato del Partido Liberal, Salvador Nasralla, medidas como el arresto del exjerarca militar Romeo Vásquez “sirven para asustar a la oposición”. 

“En el caso de Romeo, lo que tienen que presentar son las pruebas por los que ellos creen que cometió”, agregó el presentador de televisión.

A las voces de la oposición que se alzaron contra la decisión del MP se unió el Partido Liberal, el cual declaró que está preocupado por la detención de Vásquez, “curiosamente avalada por funcionarios del Gobierno”. 

Además, demandó al Ministerio Público que respete los derechos de Vásquez y pidió “no permitir por ningún motivo que se instale en nuestro país una nueva Venezuela”.

El Partido Nacional, por su parte, exigió «justicia plena, imparcial» y no usar las instituciones para vengarse.

La esposa de Romeo Vásquez, Lisbeth Zelaya, declaró que hace días habían amenazado a su esposo con encarcelarlo y que lo capturaron “sin pruebas”. 

Para finalizar, las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras se manifestaron la noche de hoy por medio de un comunicado sobre “la captura de tres exmiembros de esta institución”.

A continuación, la institución armada afirmó en el boletín que condena “todo golpe de Estado” y que rechaza “cualquier acción que implique la violación de los derechos humanos y las garantías constitucionales”.

Asimismo, las FF. AA. garantizó “que no habrá más golpes de Estado” y que “por ningún motivo las armas confiadas a nuestra institución serán utilizadas para afectar a nuestro pueblo”.

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Justin Trudeau resigns as party leader

Announcement sets stage for national elections



Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Photo by shganti777/Bigstock)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday announced he will resign as the leader of his Liberal Party.

The announcement, which came against the backdrop of growing calls for the embattled prime minister to resign that increased after Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, who was the country’s deputy prime minister, stepped down from the government last month, will set the stage for national elections that must take place before Oct. 20.

CNN notes polls show the Liberal Party would lose to the Conservative Party of which anti-LGBTQ+ MP Pierre Poilievre is the leader.

Trudeau became prime minister in 2015 when he defeated then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Trudeau’s father, Pierre Trudeau, was Canada’s prime minister from 1968-1979 and from 1980-1984.

The younger Trudeau is the first Canadian prime minister to have marched in a Pride parade.

Canada in 2022 banned so-called conversion therapy, which Justin Trudeau described as a “hateful and harmful practice.” Justin Trudeau in 2017 also formally apologized to Canadians who suffered persecution and discrimination under the country’s anti-LGBTQ+ laws — including those convicted of “gross indecency” before Canada decriminalized consensual same-sex sexual relations — and policies

“We have failed to (protect) LGBTQ2 communities, individuals time and time again,” he said. “It is with shame and sorrow and deep regret that the things we have done that I stand here today and say we were wrong, we apologize. I am sorry. We are sorry.”

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Out in the World: LGBTQ+ news from Europe, Asia, and Australia

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race UK’ winner The Vivienne has died at 32



The Vivienne (Photo courtesy of The Vivienne's' Facebook page)


“RuPaul’s Drag Race UK” winner The Vivienne, born James Lee Williams, has passed away at age 32, their representative Simon Jones says.

In a post on Instagram, Jones announced the star’s passing and requested privacy for Williams’s family.

“It is with immense sadness that we let you know our beloved James Lee Williams — The Vivienne, has passed away this weekend. James was an incredibly loved, warm-hearted and amazing person. Their family are heartbroken at the loss of their son, brother, and uncle. They are so proud of the wonderful things James achieved in their life and career,” Jones says.

“We will not be releasing any further details,” the statement says.

Williams was born in Wales but grew up in Liverpool, where they started their drag career in the late 2000s. In 2015, RuPaul appointed them “UK Drag Ambassador,” leading to them competing in and winning the first season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race UK” in 2019. She returned to the franchise in 2022 for the seventh season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars,” tying for seventh place. 

The Vivienne also appeared on several other reality competition shows, including the 15th season of ITV’s “Dancing on Ice” and the Christmas edition of “The Great British Sewing Bee.” Their final TV appearance was last month on the Christmas edition of the UK game show “Blankety Blank.”

Beyond the screen, they released their EP “Bitch on Heels” in 2022, and toured as the Wicked Witch in the 2024 West End revival of “The Wizard of Oz.”

Tributes to The Vivienne poured in on social media in the wake of the announcement.”

“Heartbreaking 💔 I don’t know how to say how I feel,” wrote “Drag Race” judge Michelle Visage on Instagram. “My darling @thevivienne_ we go back to when I started coming over here to the UK. You were always there, always laughing, always giving, always on point. Your laughter, your wit, your talent, your drag. I loved all of it but I loved your friendship most of all. You were a beacon to so many.”

The death has come as a shock to many.


Russian clubgoers have been fined for dressing “too gay” as part of the country’s ongoing crackdown on LGBTQ+ people and expression.

At least seven people were ordered to pay the fines after a raid on a nightclub in Tula, about 120 miles south of Moscow, in February 2024, according to independent Russian media outlet Verstka, which reviewed court documents and video footage of the raid.

Those fined were charged with “trying to arouse interest in non-traditional sexual relations,” which is a crime under Russia’s so-called “LGBT propaganda” laws. They included a man who wore “crosses of black tape glued to his nipples” and a “women’s style corset,” and another man who wore “pink socks” and “an unbuttoned kimono.”

Other offending wardrobe on men included a crop top, black leather shorts, and fishnet stockings.

A judge ruled their clothing was “’inconsistent with the image of a man with traditional sexual orientation,” and fined the men.

Two of the men were ordered to pay fines of 50,000 rubles (approximately $450). That’s a little more than the average monthly salary in Tula, according to Russia’s official statistics agency, Rosstat.

Russia’s crackdown on LGBTQ+ people has expanded dramatically over the last several years. The initial propaganda law targeted only expression that could be seen by children, but it was expanded in 2022 to criminalize all forms of LGBTQ+ organization and expression. In 2023, the Russian Supreme Court declared the “international LGBT movement” to be an “extremist” organization, which was backed up the following year with a decision labeling the “movement” to be “terrorist.”

Verstka reports that at least 131 cases of “LGBT propaganda” charges were brought to Russian courts in 2024, with fines ranging up to 200,000 rubles (approximately $1,850.) 


LGBTQ+ activists are crying foul after the Singapore government introduced the island’s first workplace nondiscrimination bill without any protections for queer workers. The are calling on the government to amend the bill to add prohibitions on discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity before it passes into law.

A coalition of activists called SAFE (Supporting, Affirming and Empowering our LGBTQ+ friends and families) published a statement on its Facebook page calling on the government to rethink the bill.

“SAFE and our community partners who have co-signed this statement are resolutely against the bill’s exclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity as protected characteristics under the bill. We deem it as extremely discriminatory, which runs counter to the objective of the bill which is to address discrimination in the workplace in the first place,” the statement reads. “Often when parents share with us their fears for their children who have come out to them, discrimination against their queer or trans children rank high on the list. It is thus distressing for our parent community that the exclusions may inadvertently encourage discriminatory and bullying actions towards their children who are LGBTQ+ persons.”

SAFE’s statement also notes that unfair workplace practices also compound the discrimination that LGBTQ+ people face in other aspects of life, including in housing and education, which contributes to economic precarity.

Singapore’s Manpower Ministry says the new Workplace Fairness Legislation codifies existing, non binding guidelines on fair employment practices that were introduced in 2007, including prohibiting discrimination based on age, nationality, sex, marital status, pregnancy status, caregiving responsibilities, race, religion, language, disability, and mental health conditions. But those guidelines were issued 15 years before Singapore finally decriminalized homosexuality in 2022.

Singapore is home to one of the largest and most visible LGBTQ+ communities in southeast Asia, and the annual Pink Dot festival attracts thousands of people to celebrate Pride and demand greater rights. 


The Palace Hotel in Broken Hill has been officially recognized as an LGBTQ+ landmark for the role it plays in the iconic film “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.” 

In the 1994 film, a trio of drag queens stay at the hotel while driving their bus, the titular Priscilla, from Sydney to Alice Springs in the Outback. 

Fans of the film have long flocked to the Palace Hotel — famous for its many murals — and the hotel even offers guests the “Priscilla Suite” where the characters stayed in the film.

Palace Hill was already listed on the New South Wales State Heritage Register, but this week Culture Minister Penny Sharpe announced that its listing would be amended to officially recognize the hotel’s significance to the queer community.

“The interior of the Palace Hotel, with its extensive murals, was a prominent filming location of ’The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,’” the new listing reads. “[The film] introduced LGBTQIA+ themes to mainstream audiences in Australia and internationally. ‘Priscilla’ represented a monumental shift in cinema of the representation of gay and transgender people in Australia.”

“The Palace Hotel has been closely associated with the LGBTQIA+ community and Australian drag artistry since the film’s release.”

Sharpe says the new listing honors the hotel’s importance in queer history.

“Now we’re ensuring its significant role in the history of Australia’s LGBTQIA+ community is officially recognized and celebrated,” Sharpe wrote in a post on Instagram.

Last year, it was reported in Deadline that a sequel to Priscilla was in the development, with the director and cast attached to return. It’s not yet known what the plot of the sequel will be, or if the queens will return to the Palace Hotel.

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Liechtenstein marriage equality law takes effect

US embassy praises ‘countless individuals who worked tirelessly for equality’



(Bigstock photo)

A law that extends marriage rights to same-sex couples in Liechtenstein took effect on Wednesday.

Lawmakers in the small European country that borders Switzerland and Austria approved a marriage equality bill in May 2024. Liechtenstein is the last country in which German is the primary language to extend marriage rights to same-sex couples.

Same-sex couples have been able to legally marry in Switzerland and Austria since 2022 and 2019 respectively. Same-sex marriage has been legal in Germany since 2017.

“This milestone is a testament to the dedication and advocacy of countless individuals who worked tirelessly for equality,” said the U.S. Embassy in Bern, the Swiss capital, in an X post.  

The Washington Blade in 2022 interviewed Scott Miller, the openly gay U.S. ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein. He was among those who spoke at Liechtenstein’s first-ever Pride event that took place that year.

“It will be a discussion that I think activists will have to work on a lot,” he said, referring to marriage equality efforts in Liechtenstein. “I will support (them) in any way I can.”

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Top 10 international LGBTQ news stories of 2024

Pope reaches out, Oct. 7 aftermath, Trump rattles activists



From left, Pope Francis continues his cautious outreach to LGBTQ Catholics; Russian President Vladimir Putin takes his fifth presidential oath of office; a public art display at Ben-Gurion Airport demands the release of the hostages who remain in the Gaza Strip. (Photo of Francis by palinchak/Bigstock; photo of Putin by Alexander Kazakov/RIA Novosti; Blade photo of art display by Michael K. Lavers)

The extension of marriage rights to same-sex couples, anti-LGBTQ crackdowns, war, and elections are among the issues that made headlines around the world over the past year. Here are the top international stories of 2024.

#10 African countries move to criminalize homosexuality

Ghanaian MPs on Feb. 28 passed the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill that would, among other things, criminalize allyship. Outgoing President Nana Akufo-Addo did not immediately sign the bill, citing the outcome of a Supreme Court case.

Burkina Faso Justice Minister Edasso Bayala on July 10 announced consensual same-sex sexual acts are illegal in the country. Mali’s Transitional National Council on Oct. 31 adopted a draft penal code that would criminalize acts of homosexuality.

The Dominica High Court of Justice, on the other hand, on April 22 struck down provisions of a law that criminalized consensual same-sex sexual relations in the Caribbean nation. A judge on St. Vincent and the Grenadines’s top court on Feb. 16 dismissed two cases that challenged the country’s sodomy laws.

#9 More countries extend marriage rights to same-sex couples

Greece, Liechtenstein, and Estonia in 2024 extended marriage rights to same-sex couples.

Thai King Maha Vajiralongkorn on Sept. 24 approved a marriage equality bill that lawmakers passed earlier in the year. It is slated to take effect on Jan. 22, 2025. Liechtenstein’s marriage equality law will take effect on New Year’s Day.

The Dutch Supreme Court on July 12 ruled Aruba and Curaçao must extend marriage rights to same-sex couples. Czech lawmakers in February rejected a marriage equality bill.

#8 Gay, lesbian lawmakers make headlines

Steve Letsike, a lesbian who founded Access Chapter 2, a South African advocacy group, on May 29 won a seat in the South African National Assembly. President Cyril Ramaphosa later named her to his Cabinet.

French President Emmanuel Macron on Jan. 9 named Gabriel Attal as the country’s first openly gay prime minister. Attal resigned in July after Macron’s party lost its overall majority in the National Assembly.

Then-Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar on March 20 announced his resignation. He became the country’s first gay prime minister in 2017.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal. (Photo courtesy of the French government)

#7 Algerian boxer Imane Khelif faces questions over gender at Olympics

Algerian boxer Imane Khelif faced questions over her gender during the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Khelif won the Olympic gold medal in the women’s 66-kilogram competition on Aug. 10. She was born female and does not identify as transgender or intersex. The International Olympic Committee said Khelif “is not a man fighting a woman.”

Khelif after the games filed a criminal complaint against JK Rowling and Elon Musk with French authorities. The lawsuit claims the two engaged in “acts of aggravated cyber harassment.”

Imane Khelif on left. (Screenshot via YouTube)

#6 Mexico bans ‘conversion therapy’

The Mexican Senate on April 25 overwhelmingly approved a bill that bans so-called conversion therapy in the country.

The measure passed by a 77-4 vote margin with 15 abstentions. The Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of Mexico’s congress, in March approved the bill that, among other things, would subject conversion therapy practitioners to between two and six years in prison and fines.

Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Germany, France, and New Zealand are among the countries that ban conversion therapy. 

#5 Germany’s Self-Determination Act takes effect

A German law that simplifies the process for transgender or nonbinary people to legally change their name and gender in official documents took effect on Nov. 1.

The country’s Cabinet on Aug. 21 approved the Gender Self-Determination Act.

#4 Russia’s anti-LGBTQ crackdown continues

The Russian government in 2024 continued its anti-LGBTQ crackdown.

President Vladimir Putin last month signed a bill that bans the adoption of Russian children in countries where gender transition is legal. 

Media reports indicate authorities on Nov. 30 raided three Moscow nightclubs that have hosted LGBTQ-specific events. Authorities in October raided two bars in the Russian capital and in Yekaterinburg. The raids coincided with National Coming Out Day events.

Russian President Vladimir Putin takes his 5th presidential oath of office on May 7, 2024. (Photo by Alexander Kazakov/RIA Novosti)

#3 Pope Francis continues outreach to LGBTQ Catholics

Pope Francis in 2024 continued his outreach to LGBTQ Catholics.

The pontiff on Oct. 12 met with a group of transgender and intersex Catholics and LGBTQ allies at the Vatican. Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founders of New Ways Ministry, a Maryland-based organization that advocates on behalf of LGBTQ Catholics, arranged the meeting that took place at Casa Santa Marta, Francis’s residence in Vatican City.

Clare Byarugaba of Chapter Four Uganda and Rightify Ghana Director Ebenezer Peegah met with Francis at the Vatican on Aug. 14.

Francis earlier this year during an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell said priests can bless gays and lesbians who are couples, as opposed to their unions. Francis in a declaration the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith released on March 25 condemned gender-affirming surgeries and “gender theory.”

Pope Francis continued his cautious outreach to LGBTQ Catholics in 2024. (Photo by palinchak via Bigstock)

#2 LGBTQ Israelis, Palestinians grapple with Oct. 7 aftermath

The Washington Blade traveled to Israel in October to cover the first anniversary of Oct. 7 and how LGBTQ Israelis and Palestinians continue to grapple with its aftermath.

Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance, Pride House of Be’er Sheva, the Aguda, the Israeli Transgender Association, and other Israeli advocacy groups continue to offer access to mental health services, housing programs, and other needs to those directly impacted by Oct. 7. 

The Blade interviewed Omer Ohana, who successfully lobbied Israeli lawmakers to amend the country’s Bereaved Families Law to recognize LGBTQ widows and widowers of fallen Israel Defense Forces soldiers. Hamas militants on Oct. 8, 2023, killed his fiancé, IDF Maj. Sagi Golan, in a kibbutz near the Gaza Strip.

LGBTQ aid workers who have worked with queer Palestinians in Gaza over the last year also spoke with the Blade.

“It became very apparent to me that everything we did was like pouring water into the desert,” said Rain Doe Dubilewski of Safebow, which helped more than 300 people evacuate Gaza. “There was nothing we can offer that is lasting or stable for the Palestinian people.”

A public art display at Ben-Gurion Airport on Oct. 4, 2024, demands the release of the hostages who remain in the Gaza Strip. (Blade photo by Michael K. Lavers)

#1 Trump re-election sparks concern among LGBTQ activists around the world

President-elect Donald Trump’s election in November sparked concern among LGBTQ activists and advocacy groups around the world.

“I worry that Trump’s win means no protection for global LGBTQ+ human rights,” Sexual Minorities Uganda Executive Director Frank Mugisha told the Blade.

Esteban Paulón, a long-time LGBTQ activist in Argentina who won a seat in the country’s Congress in 2022, echoed Mugisha. Outright International Executive Director Maria Sjödin in an email to their group’s supporters after the election said the results “have raised deep concerns for many of us who care about fundamental human rights, freedoms, and democratic norms for LGBTIQ people and everyone else around the world.”

Trump during his first administration tapped then-U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to lead an initiative that encouraged countries to decriminalize consensual same-sex sexual relations. Activists with whom the Blade has previously spoken questioned whether this effort had any tangible results.

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Out in the World: LGBTQ+ news from Asia, Europe, and Canada

Japanese prime minister backs marriage equality without legislative commitment



(Los Angeles Blade graphic)


Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba told parliament that he believed legalizing same-sex marriage would make the country happier, although he has no plan to bring forward legislation to make that happen. 

The remarks, which were echoed days later by Justice Minister Keisuke Suzuki, have buoyed the spirits of equal marriage campaigners in the country, despite the government’s lack of commitment to progress on the issue.

“Compared to other prime ministers, there is a big difference in Ishiba’s tone, his direction and his outlook and we are clearly getting to the stage for Japan to take the next step in the right direction,” marriage equality activist Alexander Dmitrenko told This Week in Asia.

Equal marriage advocates have been waging a long battle through both the courts and the political process to win same-sex marriage rights.

Earlier this month, a third appellate court ruled that the ban on same-sex marriage violates the Japanese constitution, finding for the first time that the ban violates the constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. Five out of six lower courts that have heard cases seeking equal marriage have also ruled for equality. 

Elections in October yielded a parliament that has a majority in favor of equal marriage, but is still dominated by the largely conservative Liberal Democratic Party, which has formed a minority government. 

While Ishiba says he will not bring forward same-sex marriage legislation and is instead following the progress of cases through the courts for now, it is possible that other parties may try to force the issue by introducing their own bills. 

“The Fukuoka court has clearly said that the Diet must legally permit same-sex marriages in the same way that marriages between people of opposite sexes are recognized,” Takeharu Kato, one of the lawyers in the equal marriage case that was heard in Sapporo. 

“We intend to continue to put strong pressure on the government to realize these changes because we are confident that we are nearly there.”


Government workers in the Philippines now have the right to dress according to their gender identity, under a new official dress code issued by the Civil Service Commission issued this month.

The Philippines’ civil service is known for its strict dress code for government workers. Workers are required to wear specific locally inspired outfits on Mondays and have been required to wear gender-conforming smart casual office attire on other workdays.

Under the revised dress code, workers are freer to dress according to their gender identity, and female workers are freer to wear either skirts or pants. The new code also relaxes standards relating to tattoos, facial piercings, and hairstyles, as long as they don’t interfere with the employee’s work or with safety standards.

Gender-inclusive dress codes have become a much-debated topic in the Philippines in recent years, particularly in schools and universities, where uniforms and dress codes are often strongly enforced. A growing number of institutions have adopted gender-neutral dress codes and uniforms, while the national government says it is studying creating a standard for gender-inclusive dress codes to promote equality.

In another positive development for LGBTQ+ Filipinos, Globe Telecom, one of the country’s largest mobile providers, has announced it will provide spousal benefits to same-sex partners of its employees. 

Same-sex couples have no legal recognition in the Philippines. A civil union bill has been proposed several times in Congress, but has never advanced.


Lithuania’s constitutional court struck down an “LGBT Propaganda” law this week, in a ruling that ought to bring relief to queer activists, publishers, and media outlets.

The “Law on the Protection of Minors,” which was passed in 2009, banned the promotion of sexual relations or non-traditional conceptions of marriage or family, and drew sharp criticism from queer and civil liberties groups across Europe. It has been used in attempts to ban Vilnius Pride and led broadcasters to restrict advertisements for queer events and causes. 

In one landmark case, government censors used the law to restrict distribution of books of children’s stories due to its depiction of two same-sex couples. That decision was eventually appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, which found last year that the law violated the European Convention’s guarantee of free expression.

Following the ruling, the previous government tried to repeal the law, but after its bill was voted down by parliament, the government filed this legal challenge to the constitutional court.

“Finally, we are normalizing the portrayal and life of our community, and I believe that LGBT youth will live a freer life,” Vladimiras Simonko, head of the Lithuanian Gay League, told LRT.

The court ruled that the law’s anti-LGBTQ+ sections were unconstitutional restrictions on free expression, and were also too vague, as they did not define what kinds of information disparage family values.   

The court also found that the implications of the law also unfairly narrow the definition of family found in the constitution.

Same-sex couples are not legally recognized in Lithuania. A bill to recognize civil unions was introduced by the previous government but awaits a final vote before it can be brought into law. The current government has not made passing the bill a priority.


The province of New Brunswick has finally repealed regulations that required schools to notify parents and receive their consent if a student wishes to use a different name or pronoun in class, following a change in government in October.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association, which had brought a legal challenge against the original policy, hailed the changes.

“We will discuss with our legal counsel and affected community groups, but expect that these changes will resolve legal issues in our constitutional challenge,” CCLA Director of Equality Programs Harini Sivalingam told CBC

The controversial regulation, known as Policy 713, was brought forward by the province’s previous Progressive Conservative Party government under former Premier Blaine Higgs. The regulation, which was introduced with limited consultation, led several of Higgs’ Cabinet ministers to resign in protest, and led the charge for provincial conservatives to campaign on anti-trans policies across Canada.

That strategy tended not to work for conservatives. In October, Higgs’s government was voted out in favor of the New Brunswick Liberals under Susan Holt, who had pledged to rescind the policy and ensure schools are welcoming for all LGBTQ+ students.

Similarly, Manitoba’s PC government was voted out in May after pledging to introduce a similar policy, and the British Columbia Conservatives lost their bid to replace the province’s NDP government in elections in October.

Still, Saskatchewan’s conservative government won reelection in October after introducing a similar policy earlier in the year, and Alberta’s conservative government just passed some of the most sweeping anti-transgender legislation Canada has seen in quite some time, including bans on classroom discussion of LGBTQ+ issues and participation in gender-appropriate sports.

Alberta’s anti-trans laws have already been challenged in court, but Saskatchewan’s government used a constitutional provision to prevent any legal challenges to its anti-trans laws for five years after an initial loss in court. 

But conservative governments in Ontario and Quebec, which had initially announced plans to introduce parent notification and consent rules for trans students, have yet to bring forward such policies or regulations.

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Harish Iyer continues his fight for LGBTQ+ rights in India

Long-time activist challenged sodomy law, continues marriage equality fight



Harish Iyer (Photo courtesy of Harish Iyer)

The Indian LGBTQ+ community has long grappled with systemic neglect and societal prejudices, but significant victories like the striking down of Section 377 in 2018 and progressive Supreme Court verdicts have sparked hope. The fight for equality nevertheless remains arduous.

Amid this struggle, Harish Iyer has stood out as a beacon of courage, leading the movement with unwavering commitment and inspiring others to unapologetically embrace their identities.

Iyer, with a slight smile, noted to the Washington Blade during a recent interview that he was born into privilege. As the first male child in a patriarchal society, he explained this status came with inherent advantages.

Despite being born into privilege, Iyer’s early life was marked by profound challenges.

At just 7-years-old, he endured and survived a traumatic experience of rape, an event that deeply impacted his childhood. Iyer said he was gang raped at 11, four years after a relative sexually assaulted him. Iyer told the Blade these assaults impacted his confidence.

“Children go through sexual assault but they do not understand what is happening with them,” said Iyer. “Because they are children, they do not know its language. We do not call a penis a penis, we do not call a vagina, a vagina. I am 45 years of age, and I am talking about 1987 or 1988. People had very little understanding. When you do not have language to say what it is, you don’t say about it.”

Iyer said it is easier for girls to talk about sexual assault compared to boys, and as a result it was harder for him to speak out. He also struggled living in two worlds: One of morals and fairy tales, and another filled with hardships that he tried to mask.

“I opened up about my abuse at 18, after 11 years of continuous trauma,” said Iyer. “That was a different battle altogether. It was 1998-1999, a time with little awareness about child sexual abuse. When I told my parents, my mother understood that a child could be abused. My father, however, was not supportive and didn’t understand what was happening.”

Iyer shared how these events shaped his thoughts, values, and empathy for others facing similar challenges.

At 22, he began to understand his sexuality and came out to his parents as gay. At 40, he realized his gender could be fluid and has identified as gender-fluid since then.

Iyer shared his struggles in finding a job as an openly gay man in India’s conservative society. He now works at Axis Bank, one of India’s largest private banks. Iyer said joining the bank was a unique journey — he did not have any other job opportunities at the time.

“I applied for every job on LinkedIn,” said Iyer. “Axis Bank responded. I thought I’d be unhappy there, but I needed the money, so I applied. The process took a long time, but after several interviews, I was selected. During the interviews, I realized I could be myself. People saw me for who I truly am, and that worked wonders.”

“A week after joining, I started pushing boundaries,” he added. “The chief human resources officer called me to her office. After our conversation, she held me close and said, ‘You should not have to fit in — be who you are.’ Within six months, we created a charter with policies for the LGBTQ community. It’s called ‘Come As You Are.'”

Iyer told the Blade that Chief Human Resources Officer Rajkamal Vempati was upset with him.

She felt he was free to express himself at the company, but wasn’t doing so. Iyer said Axis Bank has a dress code policy for employees — one for men, one for women, and one for LGBTQ+ employees that allows them to choose the gender in which they want to present themselves.

He said he never expected to see such inclusion in a private sector bank in India before joining Axis Bank.

Iyer challenged sodomy law, continues to fight for marriage equality

On the third anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 2018 ruling that struck down Section 377, the provision of the country’s penal code that criminalized consensual same-sex sexual relations, Axis Bank in 2021 introduced policies and a charter for the LGBTQ+ community. Iyer, a long-time LGBTQ+ activist, continues to fight for equal rights.

He said Axis Bank became the first private bank in India to specifically welcome customers from the LGBTQ+ community.

“I was invited by the Social Justice Ministry for a consultation on LGBTQ+ rights,” noted Iyer. “During the discussion, it was proposed that all banks in India should open their doors to the LGBTQ+ community.”

Iyer was one of those who challenging Section 377.

The Supreme Court struck down the colonial-era law on Sept. 6, 2018. Iyer was also a plaintiff in Supriyo v. Union of India, which sought legal recognition of same-sex marriages in India. The Supreme court heard this case in 2023.

“Culture is an evolving phenomenon,” said Iyer. “It is not static. As culture evolves, we as people need to evolve. I would like to believe that my organization is always evolving and we will get better.”

Iyer told the Blade he doesn’t have a specific game plan for the future. As one of Axis Bank’s prominent figures, however, he feels LGBTQ+ people are equal citizens in India.

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Two transgender women make history in Nepal

Honey Maharjan and Mouni Maharjan ran in local elections last month



From left: Honey Maharjan and Mouni Maharjan (Photo courtesy of Honey Maharjan)

November 22 was a milestone for Nepal’s LGBTQ+ community.

Two transgender candidates, Honey Maharjan and Mouni Maharjan, members of the People’s Socialist Party-Nepal, ran in local elections. It marked the first time that trans people ran for office in the country.

Honey Maharjan ran for mayor in Kirtipur, a municipality outside Kathmandu, the Nepalese capital. Mouni Maharjan ran to become a ward chair in the same municipality. Although both candidates lost the election; experts, and activists consider their participation a significant milestone for LGBTQ+ representation in Nepalese politics.

Honey Maharjan, 44, is a former tour guide who faced discrimination because she is a trans woman. Maharjan nevertheless became a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

Mouni Maharjan, 29, advocates for local infrastructure and LGBTQ+-inclusive education. Her campaign focused on introducing an LGBTQ+-inclusive curriculum in schools and creating employment opportunities for marginalized groups.

The Supreme Court in 2007 ruled the government must legally recognize a third gender. Six years later, in 2013, Nepal hosted its first-ever Pride parade, signaling growing visibility and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community. The country’s new constitution, which ensures equal rights for LGBTQ+ people and all other Nepalese citizens, took effect in 2015.

The Supreme Court in 2018 issued a ruling that expanded protections for LGBTQ+ people in marriage, inheritance, social recognition, and other areas.

Sunil Babu Pant, founder of the Blue Diamond Society, a Nepalese LGBTQ+ rights group, in 2017 became the first openly gay person elected to parliament. Nepal since 2020 has allowed trans people to legally change their gender in official documents without surgery.

A study that UN Women and the Blue Diamond Society published in June 2023 found 81 percent of LGBTQ+ people in Nepal have faced physical violence, discrimination, and verbal abuse. Traditional societal norms and a lack of awareness make this situation worse.

Nepal is seen as a leader in LGBTQ+ rights in South Asia in terms of legal protections and a debate over marriage rights for same-sex couples. A large gap remains between policies and their implementation.

Political representation of LGBTQ+ people remains low.

Pant left office in 2023. There are currently no openly LGBTQ+ people in parliament or in the country’s policy-making policies.

During their campaign in Kirtipur, Honey Maharjan and Mouni Maharjan outlined key promises. They pledged to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion, especially in politics, and vowed to fight discrimination in education, healthcare, and employment.

Their campaigns also focused on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for marginalized groups. Honey Maharjan and Mouni Maharjan promised to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues to reduce stigma and discrimination in society.

Honey Maharjan told the Washington Blade said she was happy about running for office, and noted her family and friends supported her.

“Since Kirtipur has a large LGBTQ community still they did not come out to support me,” she said. “Nepal has other political parties like Congress, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) and many others, we did not had budget like theirs, so it was also our struggle. It is also challenging for us as people are not supporting us for what we are trying to do. They are supporting only prominent political parties in Nepal. So, these are our challenges as a transgender political candidate in Nepal.”

Honey Maharjan told the Blade she would have worked to provide education, health care, and better roads if she were elected.

“I did not win, so I am a little sad this time,” she said. “But I am happy that the media has covered my campaign, so I am grateful to all journalists.”

“Every community member needs to be inspired because we are not alone and we need to think that we have a large number of community members,” added Honey Maharjan. “If we do not come out, there will be difficulty, it’s our right.”

She also dismissed the idea that many trans people are sex workers.

“Many people are working in different sectors. I would request everyone to come out and support the transgender candidate in the next election,” said Honey Maharjan. “Elections are important because it creates awareness about the candidate otherwise everyone would think that transgender community is engaged in sex work only that is not true.”

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Ghanaian Supreme Court dismisses challenges to anti-LGBTQ+ bill

Measure would further criminalize homosexuality, penalize allyship



Ghanaian flag (Public domain photo by Jorono from Pixabay)

The Ghanaian Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed challenges to a bill that would further criminalize LGBTQ+ people and penalize allyship.

Lawmakers on Feb. 28 approved the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill. Two lawyers, Amanda Odoi and Richard Sky, challenged it.

Outgoing President Nana Akufo-Addo had previously said he would not sign the bill into law until the Supreme Court issued its ruling. His successor, President-elect John Dramani Mahama, will take office on Jan. 7.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Dec. 10 honored Ebenezer Peegah, executive director of Rightify Ghana, a Ghanaian LGBTQ+ advocacy group, and six other human rights activists from around the world during a ceremony at the State Department.

Blinken noted the pending Supreme Court ruling — and discrimination and violence that LGBTQ+ Ghanaians continue to face — before he presented Peegah with the Secretary of State’s Human Rights Defender Award.

“In Ghana, vigilante groups use social media platforms to organize mobs to attack LGBTQI+ people, as well as to entrap, to blackmail, to harass them,” said Blinken. “As these attacks increase, Ghana’s Supreme Court is considering legislation that would criminalize people for identifying as LGBTQI+, as well as threaten Ghanaians’ constitutionally protected freedoms of speech, press, and assembly.”  

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Man convicted of killing Kenyan activist, sentenced to 50 years in prison

Edwin Chiloba’s partner murdered him in Eldoret on New Year’s Day in 2023



Edwin Chiloba (Photos courtesy of Edwin Chiloba's Instagram page)

Kenyan queer rights organizations have welcomed the sentencing of a freelance photographer to 50 years in prison for murdering prominent LGBTQ+ activist and fashion designer Edwin Chiloba nearly two years ago

Justice Reuben Nyakundi on Monday sentenced Jacktone Odhiambo, 25, Chiloba’s partner, after the Eldoret High Court in western Kenya two weeks ago found him guilty of murder.

The 2-year trial, which comprised evidence from 23 witnesses and DNA tests the prosecution presented that placed him at the scene of the crime on New Year’s Day in 2023. Chiloba had disappeared and his body was found stuffed in a metal box that had been dumped along the side of a road. 

The court was told that Chiloba and Odhiambo were last seen together at Tamasha Club in Eldoret on the night of Dec. 31, 2022, only for the deceased’s decomposing body to be discovered three days later. His brutal murder sent shockwaves through the LGBTQ+ community in Kenya and attracted both local and international condemnation and calls for the conviction of perpetrators.

Nyakundi in his sentencing ruling noted the prosecution provided evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and described the brutal murder of Chiloba, 25, as “premeditated, malicious, and aggravated homicide.”

“The footprints of the murder are all traceable to the accused (Odhiambo),” Nyakundi said.

The judge noted Odhiambo showed no respect for the sanctity of life and Chiloba’s brutal killing left a void that cannot be filled.

Odhiambo became the prime suspect after three other accused people were freed due to a lack of evidence linking them to the murder.    

Johansen Oduor, the government pathologist who conducted Chiloba’s autopsy, told the court during the trial that the victim had been smothered to death using six pairs of socks stuffed into his mouth and his face was wrapped with a piece of denim.    

Despite overwhelming evidence linking Odhiambo to the murder, the court noted the accused did not show any remorse for his actions during the trial and described him as a “vengeful person.” This lack of remorse influenced the severity of his 50-year sentence, even though he fell and wailed after the judge sentenced him.

“The accused deserves the death penalty, which is not implemented in Kenya,” Nyakundi ruled.

Kenya’s Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions acknowledged the judge’s verdict, noting the death sentence “would have been unnecessary” because the country has not executed anyone on death row since 1987. The death penalty, however, has not been abolished from Kenyan criminal laws for offenses like murder, robbery with violence, treason, mutiny, and other crimes. 

There have been calls by human rights groups, such as the International Commission for Jurists-Kenya, for Kenya to abolish the death penalty. A bill in parliament would repeal the death penalty.

Additionally, Nyakundi could not sentence Odhiambo to life in prison, which the ODPP also noted as “undesirable” because of the uncertainty surrounding offences that constitute a death sentence.  

The National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in response to Odhiambo’s sentencing said it marks a significant step toward justice for Chiloba, his family, and all LGBTQ+ people in Kenya, Africa, and around the world.

“This verdict marks a long-awaited moment of accountability, offering a glimmer of justice for Edwin and a reminder that no act of violence against any LGBTQ+ resident of Kenya will go unchallenged or unchecked,” NGLHRC stated.

NGLHRC also remembered Chiloba as a fondly celebrated, vibrant young queer activist, and budding fashion model whose promising future was robbed from him. NGLHRC added his murder also sent a chilling message of fear and injustice to marginalized queer Kenyans.  

“We continue to call on the Kenyan government, law enforcement agencies, and the judiciary to strengthen their commitment to addressing violence against LGBTQ+ residents of Kenya as espoused and guided by Resolution 275 of the African Charter on Human and People Rights,” NGLHRC stated.

The Initiative for Equality and Non-Discrimination, a local queer rights group, acknowledged the court’s 50-year sentence for Odhiambo “deemed appropriate for the gravity of the offense.” INEND also applauded NGLHRC and other queer organizations for “pursuing justice for our sibling Chiloba” in the corridors of justice without relenting.

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