Several Ukrainian LGBTQ+ activists characterized the crisis bluntly as 'hashtag Biden's War' and they will defend their homeland
The Sun noted that the singer, 74, was shaken by the ordeal — but hours later caught another flight to the US in time for a gig...
When he took office in December of 2020, he announced a wide-reaching reforms which included he will stop charging juveniles as adults
"But truly, the backlash was so fierce. He probably got a call from leadership that told him to get rid of it"
"Anti-LGBTQ+ politicians have sought to lay the groundwork to turn Texans against their LGBTQ+ neighbors through an onslaught of legislation"
“It’s very strange for something like this to happen in Decatur now”
"Knowingly subjecting children to abuse, abandonment, and neglect by forcing them to come out to their parents is cruel, dangerous"
“Look, words matter. Laws matter. When [LGBTQ youth] feel targeted by the words and laws of course, it can increase anxiety, depression”
“It’s awful that children had to even experience this in fifth-grade camp [...] If I was aware of it I would have kept my children home”
"The bills would further stigmatize LGBTQ people and limit teachers’ abilities to discuss the realities of American history"