"Millen is now calling on officials to refuse to work races where transgender swimmers are to race against biological females"
The new policies puts LGBTQ+ students at greater risk for harm and additionally the policies raise serious legal concerns
The new law will not only simplify and standardize the procedure but will also be less expensive, quicker and based on self-determination
The couple spent their first Christmas holiday period together as a family with their infant twin children
"People are penalised solely on the basis of their sexual orientation- I oppose such injustice with the same passion I opposed apartheid”
This avoids potentially dangerous/triggering family environments instead building new connections with others who truly understand them
"The work is not over yet. Our work to be treated as equal citizens of this state and this country, is far from over"
"Why are we allowing places that aren’t safe for ALL fans and ALL players to host our most prestigious sporting events?”
“The student led Gay Straight Alliance group must be treated in the same manner that all other student groups are treated"
The survey also found that those with “less progressive” views were more “reluctant to express” them in public