“My Best Part,” the English-language title of actor Nicolas Maury’s feature film directorial debut, which opens for a limited theatrical run and simultaneously drops on VOD...
John Fleck was one of the performance artists who in 1990 had their grants rescinded under pressure from conservative U.S. Senators
‘Coded,’ ‘Flee’ essential viewing for any queer film fan
It’s safe to say that this Oscar year gives us hope for continuing acceptance and visibility in the Hollywood entertainment machine
Best Animated Feature the queerest category in Oscar race
Supporting medical services in communities of color
Depictions of real sex among actors raised eyebrows
A time when being gay is okay, where drag is fun for everybody, and there’s room for everybody but the bigots at the party
‘Power of the Dog’ snubbed in Best Cast category
Among this year’s nominees for Outstanding Print Article is the Washington Blade, for "Diary of an ICE Detainee" by Yariel Valdes Gonzalez