Another celebrity has joined the growing number of media personalities who have come out as non-binary. Brigette Lundy-Paine, known for their role on the Netflix series...
Iconoclastic non-binary musician Dorian Wood is taking the stage in Los Angeles this weekend for the US premiere of their new show, “Xavela Lux Aeterna,” paying...
Television powerhouse Greg Berlanti has announced another spinoff from his popular CW series, “Riverdale.” The show’s official synopsis: “Katy designs clothes for anyone she can, including...
Kathy Griffin has been tapped to headline the much-anticipated Str8UpGay Summit and Str8UpGayPorn Awards in Hollywood this January. The Grammy and Emmy-winning comedian, actress and activist...
Instead of preparing a feast for friends and family this Thanksgiving, you can break bread with your loved ones at The Abbey. For the last 20...
“If you don’t see what you want,” says filmmaker Christin Baker, “then make it!” That was the spirit behind her film, “Season of Love,” a lighthearted...
Lil Nas X, fresh off the heels of becoming the first out gay performer to win a Country Music Association Award, is already being honored again....
It’s almost that time of year again, when you can help raise awareness and funds for HIV services by stripping down to your underwear and running...
Australian fashion brand Bonds has generated buzz and controversy on social media with its Christmas advertising campaign. The brand specializes in underwear and socks – which...
Last week, in advance of today’s International Trans Day of Remembrance, Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide released the annual results from its Trans Murder Monitoring research project,...