In a surprise move, out singer Sam Smith has released a new cover version of the iconic Donna Summer disco track, “I Feel Love.” It’s been...
“Rocketman,” the acclaimed musical biopic about Elton John, is making headlines again this week as Delta Air Lines defends itself against accusations of showing straight-washed, edited...
Dancing in the streets, food and a celebration of diversity
Recounting the long journey from script to distribution
Orry-Kelly is an enigmatic name. It reveals nothing about the man who held it, but it carries a hint of mystery that makes you want to...
“Hollywood Chinese: The Chinese in American Feature Films”
When Scotty Bowers published his notorious memoir, “Full Service,” in 2012, it made an impact. In the book, Scotty claimed to have facilitated the secret sex...
There’s more than a hint of bemused irony in Betty Buckley’s voice as she takes note of the recent anniversary of “Cats,” the show for...
Not that long ago, stories about the Second World War were a staple in literature, movies, and television. This is hardly surprising; it was a monumental...
It’s no longer safe to assume this show will be welcomed with open arms