“Bloodbound,” now onstage at the Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, is the world premiere of a new Michael Kearns play, and as such it should...
Some unfortunate omissions but some jewels
Not so long ago, there was a tremendous need for movies that told the stories of LGBTQ young people. The need is still there, of course;...
With its first season, “American Crime Story” – Ryan Murphy’s anthology series dramatizing infamous true-life criminal investigations – took the audacious risk of addressing the O.J....
Michael Kearns – whose newest play, “Bloodbound,” opens January 19th at the Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica – has been a respected luminary of the...
When George Lucas conceived the first “Star Wars” movie, it was as a nostalgic homage to the space-cowboy movie serials of old, shaped by his own...
The Dutch port city of Rotterdam – which provides both name and setting for the excellent Jon Brittain play now running at the Skylight Theatre Company...
A powerful performance generating Oscar buzz
The world as seen through an unmistakable queer sensibility
A queer love story comes to Skylight Theatre