Some first responders, such as Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Detective Amber Leist, take their pledge to “serve and protect” not just as a job but as...
The heat is on. The Iowa Caucuses, the first Democratic presidential contest in the nation, is Feb. 3 — which is also the first day early...
On the precipice of a new year, a new decade, terrible news about the five-decades strong civil rights icon John Lewis broke Twitter. On Dec. 29,...
Last September, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 5 into law, a bill intent on reforming the state labor law to deal with the new gig...
For a few moments on Wednesday, Jan. 8, the world held its collective breath waiting to see if the president of the United States would declare...
California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter sent his formal letter of resignation on Tuesday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Gov. Gavin Newsom, effective next Monday, Jan....
Carnegie Hall: The 150-member strong GMCLA contingent (R), with NYCGMC, its East Coast commissioning partner, perform at Carnegie Hall on June 27 as part of Stonewall...
Laughter. Full-throated, hesitancy-clearing, energetic laughter. Thirty seconds into Imani Rupert-Gordon’s inaugural phone interview with the Los Angeles Blade, the new executive director of the National Center...
Portrait of Ram Dass taken by the late Mark Thompson Baba Ram Dass, aka Richard Alpert, the gay author of the important New Age bible “Be...
It’s the holiday season and thanks to the publicity of Hallmark Channel’s controversial pulling, then restoring commercials showing a lesbian wedding kiss, more Americans are aware...