A number of Los Angeles LGBTQ Black leaders are holding a public discussion at 7:00pm on Zoom Wednesday night to discuss “the anti-Black history of Christopher...
It was a shock. Khloe Rios and a group of trans women and gay men working and volunteering for Bienestar Human Services were taking a dinner...
Amid the global coronavirus pandemic and the national civil unrest following the murder of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis, House Speaker Nancy...
On a late afternoon conference call with the region’s law enforcement leaders, Los Angeles County Sheriff Villanueva told the Los Angeles Blade that there will be...
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the true character of America’s leaders. The White House has proven to be a boiling cauldron of bleak conspiracy, callousness, and...
New/UPDATE: LA COUNTY CURFEW IS NOW 6:00PM. Other than a few incidents, protesters around Los Angeles County Saturday peacefully expressed their outrage over the alleged murder...
As the coronavirus pandemic surges through poor neighborhoods in Los Angeles, disproportionally impacting people of color, the Black community has been hit even harder by the...
(UPDATED) #TrumpMeltdown trended on Twitter most of May 27, in part because the president of the United States whined about a wide range of topics, including...
May 24, the Sunday before Memorial Day, the New York Times devoted its customary patriotic-image-filled front page to a stark black and white list of names...
(Editor’s note: The Los Angeles Press Club recently asked journalists to submit stories about their experience covering the coronavirus pandemic. It was a contest and I’m...