CARE (Community Assistance, Recovery, & Empowerment) Court empowers Californians in crisis to access housing, treatment, and care
“In Ukraine, the unprovoked attack of Russian military forces has caused an immediate crisis of human suffering and need”
California, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, Tennessee, Vermont & others concerned about young users’ mental health
USDA should ensure low-income students have the information they need to access SNAP and other federal benefits
The court’s ruling stops the DFPS from investigating the parents named in the lawsuit
"Gov. Abbott & Attorney General Paxton are joining a politically motivated misinformation campaign with no consideration of medical science"
"California should not in any way support Putin’s corrupt oligarchy. We must divest now”
There are 30 seats currently available on the LA City Youth Council
“The research is clear – lack of affordable housing is at the root of many societal issues, including health and educational disparities”
Defendant admitted that he threatened mass shootings, bombings and other fatal attacks, on the LGBTQ+ community