The Los Angeles Blade is pleased to present our new featured advice columnist Rosalynne Montoya who offers advice & support for Trans people
The group advocates to modify curriculum to exclude the teaching of “critical race theory” & sex education in the name of “parental rights”
The Los Angeles Blade is pleased to present our new featured advice columnist Rosalynne Montoya who offers advice & support for Trans people
Nearly half of LGBTQ youth in rural areas and small towns reported that their community was somewhat or very unaccepting of LGBTQ people
Content about trans issues from right-leaning pages is considerably more popular on Facebook than content from left-leaning pages
AFI Fest returns this year with live screenings—and a roster that’s typically chock full of queer breakout films
Right-wing pundits distorted the details of the story in order to create a national uproar over trans rights
The Los Angeles Blade is pleased to present our new featured advice columnist Rosalynne Montoya who offers advice & support for Trans people
I think the best way to eradicate the anti-LGBTQ hatred that persists around the world is to show the breadth of queer people’s humanity
"We need more violence from the Trump supporters. Choke a bitch. Choke a tranny. Get your fingers around the windpipe. Get a gun"