On June 12th, 2016, Pulse became the second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history- out of tragedy, there can be triumph.
It was awesome that the Dodgers kicked butt right off the bat in the first inning and won 12-1 with multiple home runs
An identified descendent of the Wyandot Native American tribe, he was indigenous and had the right to claim two-spirit identity
We also began promoting the power of kindness to heal our broken world and to promote and support LGBTQIA+community and ethnic diversity
Equal rights for LGBTQ Americans feels more attainable than ever; we cannot afford to drop the baton right before the finish line
"If this article doesn’t rouse you to anger, fury, rage, and action, gay men may have no future on this earth..."
'The pandemic only made things worse - A Trans woman shares her journey from homelessness to hope'
Crowder engaged in a homophobic tirade, claiming that being gay could make mental health issues, promiscuity, and AIDS “more likely.”
LA LGBT Center calls on Director Bobby Cagle & County’s Child & Family Services to stop intentional neglect of LGBTQ youth in foster care
Media painted the mysterious new diseases as Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Disease (GRID) or as it was more commonly called: the "gay plague."