“The Log Cabin is an iconic historical meeting place where tens of thousands of people have found recovery”
New set of provisions rewind trans standards of care to disastrous standards of 1979. This will whittle down remaining trans adult care
Both AP and Reuters confirmed that altering their content to change the meaning or accuracy of the reporting violates their rules
It’s expected that Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper will veto anti-trans bills but Republicans hold veto-proof majorities in both chambers
While there has been little actual violence, multiple venues have received threats of violence- protestors regularly spout homophobic vitriol
We spend millions to keep intruders out of our schools, but we put our kids in harm’s way on the inside with policies like Middletown’s
Why the arson attack that killed 32 gay men still resonates 50 years later
The judge ruled that such a ban is likely unconstitutional & it likely violates constitutional rights of equal protection & harms trans kids
The Sheriff said that the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station will begin having quarterly meetings with members from the trans community
ILGA head writes about the DNA that drives LGBTQ activists in a Europe where there's a mistaken assumption everyone has access to democracy