Even though changing these outdated, ineffective and discriminatory laws is common-sense progress, this is a move in the right direction
He does not believe in a Virginia where everyone can live, work, and raise a family without being discriminated against for who they are
Jordan rose to fame thanks to his memorable roles in Will & Grace and American Horror Story was raised in East Tennessee and is openly gay
Anyone with information that can identify the shooter is asked to call CHP investigators or please email CHP santaanachptipline@chp.ca.gov
The actor celebrates his new look in an Instagram Post expressing his joy with his first guy's swim trunks
We were concerned that the groups that oppose transgender people might try to weaponize our story and use it against transgender people
Se suicidó en 2014 después de sufrir el bullying
He kept singing in what reviewers and commentators are calling "the gayest performance ever on national television" and "iconic."
This past week on the eve of what would have been Milk's 91st birthday Milk's nephew elected officials and other dignitaries toured the ship
This year’s awards were made possible by the fundraising efforts and donations by the Latinx LGBTQ community in Los Angeles