West has engaged in hateful intolerant rants on podcasts and social media posts ranting about Jewish people’s collective power & control
The actor died in a single-car crash Monday morning in Hollywood after suffering an unspecified medical emergency the LAPD said
“We’re very grateful to the jury for seeing through these false allegations,” said his attorney, Jennifer Keller
Colfer says he's focused on the 10th anniversary of the release of his book series including an Oct. 20 book-signing event in Los Angeles
Angela Lansbury died Tuesday in LA at age 96. She enjoyed an eclectic, award-winning movie and stage career that spanned over 75 years
“She was a very funny, amazing performer and it was always a “happy time to be around her” Celebrities and comedy stars pay tribute
"Hopefully, my mom is free from pain and beginning to explore what I like to imagine as her eternal freedom"
Newton-John had been battling breast cancer for over three decades, her first cancer diagnosis in 1992 when she was 44
Roddenberry's decision to cast Nichols, an African American woman, as major character on Star Trek was an almost unheard-of move in 1966
"Today I have to heal because I am very hurt. I will find calm, the necessary silence to find the light again at the end of...