The beloved actress who was set to celebrate her 100th birthday on January 17, 2022 died overnight in Los Angeles
Activists, artists, and politicos who changed the world
"Millen is now calling on officials to refuse to work races where transgender swimmers are to race against biological females"
The billionaire transphobic author’s fortune has only grown
The couple spent their first Christmas holiday period together as a family with their infant twin children
"People are penalised solely on the basis of their sexual orientation- I oppose such injustice with the same passion I opposed apartheid”
During a 2014 interview Matos revealed he was gay saying he had been inspired to do so after seeing the YouTube coming out by diver Tom Daley
"Why are we allowing places that aren’t safe for ALL fans and ALL players to host our most prestigious sporting events?”
Juro's career as a Trans advocate and LGBTQ+ writer/journalist spanned several publications over the past fifteen plus years
Blevins says he was blessed with affirming parents said the overwhelming response his TikTok received inspired him to start the group