The employee terminated on Friday was alleged to have disclosed an internal Netflix document regarding metrics on Chappelle’s special
The emails were discovered in a workplace misconduct investigation into the Washington Football Team the New York Times reported
Superman's symbol has always stood for hope, for truth and for justice. Today, that symbol represents something more
LGBTQ Media watch group GLAAD responded saying that anti-LGBTQ content is technically against Netflix policy
The streaming special marks the end of the film festival QueerX & features dynamic music performances & the Revry Visibility Awards
RBG quoted Anna Pauline (Pauli) Murray before Supreme Court
The San Francisco 49ers NFL team invites fans to come out for football and to celebrate National Coming Out Day
Steven Petrow’s new book on aging is funny yet poignant
It stands not only proud in its contribution to the artistic past, but as a beacon to the magnificence that theater is yet to become
Celebrated actor's gay grandson charts own path