Actress Scarlett Johansson, who last year fell under heavy criticism after being cast as a trans man in the film, “Rub and Tug,” now admits she...
A transgender themed Oscar gambit for Best International Feature Film
This may be the final season for NBC’s “Will & Grace,” but the show’s writers and cast will be devoting at least one of its precious...
LGBTQ ally and advocate Cyndi Lauper is about to add an award from the United Nations to her already long list of honors. The Grammy, Emmy,...
This week, the Blade commemorates this Sunday’s World AIDS Day by highlighting stories of individual Los Angeleans who have fallen in the battle against HIV. These...
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis has told an interviewer she supports the outing of closeted lawmakers who advocate for anti-LGBTQ causes. During an interview in support of...
When Reid Arthur used Taylor Swift’s music to publicly come out at his university last week, he had no idea the pop star herself would personally...
For the first time, a third-gender model has been used on the cover of Vogue Mexico. It is believed to also be the first time in...
This week, the Blade commemorates this Sunday’s World AIDS Day by highlighting stories of individual Los Angeleans who have fallen in the battle against HIV. These...
“Portrait of a Lady on Fire,” the highly-lauded winner of the Queer Palm prize at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, is getting a wider release than...