182 publicly out gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and nonbinary athletes were in Tokyo for the Summer Olympic Games
“We are a people who dare to dream, who do hard things and do extraordinary things”
"I owe this medal to so many people. I'm standing on the podium but there are so many people behind the medal."
"I'm getting messages from young people saying they've never seen a trans person in sports"
"I'm so proud of my team,” Quinn told the CBC. “They're my best friends. I'm so glad we're bringing back a better medal than bronze.”
"The fact that LGBTQ youth drop out of sports at twice the rate of their heterosexual & gender counterparts, it doesn't have to be that way."
Ever since young lesbians have been stanning Sullivan on social, the University of Texas student has opened-up to the world about who she is.
Laurel Hubbard is set to make sports history on Monday and the International Olympic Committee clearly has her back
For the first time in my entire life, I'm proud of the person I’ve worked to become. I chose my happiness over medaling
I feel proud seeing `Quinn' on the lineup- I feel sad knowing there were Olympians before me unable to live their truth because of this world