Biologist E.O. Wilson writing in On Human Nature: “Homosexuals may be the rare carriers of the altruistic impulse in the human species”
Bud Light & Target came under far-right fire for including LGBTQ+ people in products & advertising. The speed at which they caved? Not good
Anyone could have predicted he would make a mockery of CNN's town hall, turning it into another extremist political rally
The ACLU’s Drag Defense Fund aims to educate and activate supporters and push back against restrictive anti-LGBTQ legislation
The measure reflects a growing pattern in parts of sub-Saharan Africa to target members of the LGBTQ community
Stonewall is the focal point of the modern LGBTQ-rights movement, but the groundwork was laid previously by activists like Barbara Gittings
“We cannot get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
The right to be treated fairly & equitably by institutions that govern this country remains an elusive concept
Jair Bolsonsaro took page out of former U.S. president's playbook
The Times’ opinion section continues to platform non-LGBTQ voices speaking up inaccurately and harmfully about LGBTQ people and issues