ILGA head writes about the DNA that drives LGBTQ activists in a Europe where there's a mistaken assumption everyone has access to democracy
High Court in 2017 ruled on the issue
Discrimination, harassment and violence commonplace
"Those of us fighting for a truly free and just society must commit to nothing short of total victory over his agenda"
We are called on to once again make history, even as others seek to erase it. It is an existential call to action we cannot afford...
Biologist E.O. Wilson writing in On Human Nature: “Homosexuals may be the rare carriers of the altruistic impulse in the human species”
The Sisters were declaring that queer people no longer needed to be afraid of homophobic Christians, the Church, or of God
Country must take stronger stance against Uganda's anti-homosexuality law
They'd grown up in Ohio & discovered after a few failed attempts at pursuing the fairer sex, their real romantic interests laid in each other
Bud Light & Target came under far-right fire for including LGBTQ+ people in products & advertising. The speed at which they caved? Not good