Island has highest rate of gender-based violence in country
"It seems that every time something like this happens, we remove another block from the wall that separates from anarchy and mob rule"
A single deputy now costs taxpayers $358,000 annually. There are 60 in the 2-square miles of West Hollywood
If you want a better Supreme Court, if you want better policies, if you want a better democracy, you must vote and get others to vote
"Unless people of good conscience rise up against creeping theocracy, we will see more deaths like my neighbor"
"We expect the public schools we attend every day to see us as human beings and not a political inconvenience"
The lawsuit accuses the drug companies of colluding to keep generic ingredients out of the combo pills and keep profits high
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905
She has become the go-to collaborator with the religious right, providing ammunition for Fox News, The Daily Signal, and The Federalist
Intersex activist remains in Ukrainian capital with mother