Country’s homophobic laws a legacy of British colonialism
California has led the country, not only in LGBTQ+ protections but in some of the most progressive legislation the US has ever seen.
The end of Roe signals dark decades ahead for the LGBTQ community, with no political or legal recourse with a GOP ready to overturn elections
Miles, time and space apart from the events of that autumn morning 20 years ago, I still find myself mourning that lost innocence.
Lindsey Horvath - "It has been a privilege and an honor to serve my City as Mayor and to have led our community"
SB 8 should alarm the LGBTQ community as we also find ourselves the targets of religious and right-wing ideologues
LGBTQ Afghans in Kabul and elsewhere in Afghanistan are living in fear and continue to weigh their options
The people who oppose equal rights for our community are highly motivated by their homophobic and transphobic views, and they will vote.
Nordic equality ministers speak out during WorldPride
A Hobby Lobby store violated Illinois’s anti-discrimination laws after denying a transgender employee access to the women’s bathroom