Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act signed in 2023
By having these crucial conversations, you can help the young people in your lives understand the significance of HIV testing
This fight is not just about the rights of LGBTQI individuals; it is about the integrity of our democratic system itself
As we wave our pride flags this month, we must hold onto the joy of how far we've come, and how brave and beautiful our LGBTQ+...
Make no mistake that if Trump wins back the White House, the LGBTQ community will take the brunt of his attacks
Right now there is fragmentation, disunity, and political apathy in the LGBTQ community in L.A. and elsewhere
They’d grown up in Ohio & discovered after a few failed attempts at pursuing the fairer sex, their real romantic interests laid in each other
Wednesday marks five years since Blade reporter detained in Cuba
“I feel Matthew with me every day, or I would not be able to do this,” she says. “We just hope we’re doing what he would...
“I wasn't calling it the start of the mass-shooter era then, but we knew we were into something new and horrible”