Make no mistake that if Trump wins back the White House, the LGBTQ community will take the brunt of his attacks
Right now there is fragmentation, disunity, and political apathy in the LGBTQ community in L.A. and elsewhere
They’d grown up in Ohio & discovered after a few failed attempts at pursuing the fairer sex, their real romantic interests laid in each other
Wednesday marks five years since Blade reporter detained in Cuba
“I feel Matthew with me every day, or I would not be able to do this,” she says. “We just hope we’re doing what he would...
“I wasn't calling it the start of the mass-shooter era then, but we knew we were into something new and horrible”
The toxicity of this nation and its culture of hate was clearly defined in the reactions from the hate mongering trolls
Raichik spreads false info including anti-trans pseudoscience about trans identity & experiences that stoke fear, distrust & hatred
But if we keep pushing, keep organizing, and keep shining our lights on the real villains in America, maybe we can save some of our kids
Despite efforts to ensure greater diversity among its nominees, it’s the individual choices of its voters that determines the final results