Insurers should only be allowed to use your data internally to determine if you are a safe driver- Nothing more, nothing less
California has led the country, not only in LGBTQ+ protections but in some of the most progressive legislation the US has ever seen.
The end of Roe signals dark decades ahead for the LGBTQ community, with no political or legal recourse with a GOP ready to overturn elections
SB 8 should alarm the LGBTQ community as we also find ourselves the targets of religious and right-wing ideologues
Hormel looked up at me and said with a grave simplicity I will never forget: "I do not want to die a second class citizen."
WASHINGTON – The story was impossible to miss. A top official in the Catholic Church resigned after a Catholic newsletter obtained mobile location data from his...
Imagine a Trump type sitting in the Governor's Chair in Sacramento spewing forth a torrent of abuse aimed at anyone who displeased him
They have one agenda and that is to do harm to and in this case to denigrate and do political, social and physical harm to trans...
Today, millions of Americans lack basic non-discrimination protections just because of who they are or whom they love.
WEST HOLLYWOOD – The decision on Monday by the West Hollywood City Council will determine if the City adopts a ordinance, similar in nature to an...