The team eliminated HIV from cells in a laboratory raising hopes of a cure, but cautioned that for now their work represents proof of concept
Despite efforts to ensure greater diversity among its nominees, it’s the individual choices of its voters that determines the final results
Thank you, David Mixner. It’s time for a well-deserved rest in peace and to see all your old friends again
Breathe Life Healing Center is set to host the ChemSex Crisis Summit on March 14-15 in West Hollywood, California
Rep. Brenda Landwehr, R-Wichita, threw several people opposed to anti-transgender bills out of a Kansas House hearing
Anti-queer theology is not just inaccurate, it’s deadly, & causes tangible harm to millions of queer people around the world every single day
We must work together to end bullying by unpacking each of our own learned and internalized transphobia, homophobia & racism
Their death is a manifestation of a larger issue that involves hostile rhetoric, misinformation re: gender-diverse youth & anti-LGBTQ culture
Nex, a trans teen, dies after a year of transphobic bullying in a school targeted by the biggest anti-trans influencer. When will it end?
A coalition of LGBTQ+ and allied organizations address a range of attacks on transgender youth in California