There is no sane or logical way to rationalize this move. Gender has been completely irrelevant in theater dating to ancient Greece
The uptick in anti-trans documentaries is inadvertently ensnaring trans people and supporters. Here's how to stay vigilant
In 1973, Bill Thom founded Lambda Legal with only $25 in the bank and the organization's name taped to his apartment mailbox with a Band-Aid
The article retracted in March was republished in a journal with a shady record. Major anti-trans accounts celebrated as a "victory"
The American College of Pediatricians is a fringe anti-LGBTQ hate group that pushes anti-LGBTQ junk science
Freedom, equality and dignity are indivisible human rights — they cannot be upheld and protected willy-nilly
Hosting the Olympics is a privilege, not a right- No country should be rewarded for despotism or for homophobia, biphobia, & transphobia
Palestinian aggression cannot stand
Supreme Court in May ruled country must recognize overseas marriages
Hamas militants launched surprise attack on Israel on Saturday