Rose Montoya, is a social media creator with her‘ Trans 101′ 1 minute video shorts which offer tips, advice, and support for Trans people
There is an urgent need for more LGBTQ+ safe spaces and events that do not have access to drugs and alcohol
There is no sane or logical way to rationalize this move. Gender has been completely irrelevant in theater dating to ancient Greece
The uptick in anti-trans documentaries is inadvertently ensnaring trans people and supporters. Here's how to stay vigilant
In 1973, Bill Thom founded Lambda Legal with only $25 in the bank and the organization's name taped to his apartment mailbox with a Band-Aid
The article retracted in March was republished in a journal with a shady record. Major anti-trans accounts celebrated as a "victory"
The American College of Pediatricians is a fringe anti-LGBTQ hate group that pushes anti-LGBTQ junk science
Freedom, equality and dignity are indivisible human rights — they cannot be upheld and protected willy-nilly
Hosting the Olympics is a privilege, not a right- No country should be rewarded for despotism or for homophobia, biphobia, & transphobia
Palestinian aggression cannot stand