Haddad joins the Blade as a Diversity Reporter under the State of California Ethnic Media Outreach Grant for queer AAPI writers
Transgender kids existing isn’t a real problem — and certainly not one at the scale which the panic mongering suggests
I personally stand with those who #DeleteGrindr, and I call for the parent company of Grindr, San Vincente Acquisition, to right their wrong
Country's presidential election has fueled a misinformation emergency
As a woman in politics, it has NOT always been easy- when we challenge the “good old boys club,” things get even tougher
"Ye is going to be canceled & anti-Blackness will continue to be tolerated as long as Black people are the main perpetrators of it"
The grant funds the continuing fight against monkeypox misinformation and lack of access to vaccines & resources within minority communities
“Leslie, we are heartbroken at your loss and will miss your mirth and your inimitable spirit.” George Takei wrote in tribute
It’s time to look at the groups and organizations whose money and resources put him in office to help take him out
"If Republicans like Mike Johnson want to try and silence us, we will show him and everyone else just how loud we can be"