Contradictory information is coming from health experts on monkeypox on all levels, federal, state, local regarding the vaccine
The administration expects this will mean many more shots in arms for individuals considered high risk for MPV infection, namely men who have sex with men
The White House Monkeypox Response team's Deputy Coordinator discusses challenges facing public health officials fighting monkeypox
"We believe that education and advocacy will enable us to identify new strategies that will make an impact on infection rates"
Many events consist of gay men engaging in shirtless dancing in close proximity creating ideal opportunities for monkeypox being transmitted
'Expanding the number of available doses through implementation of intradermal administration, this approach alone will not suffice'
HHS noted that it has also worked to increase the availability of monkeypox tests nationwide by partnering with five commercial laboratories
"The most important thing we can do is to share our stories- Intellectual arguments rarely change minds – but empathy changes everything"
We need Monkeypox vaccine TODAY, not next week. We need our community clinics to be covered fully and IMMEDIATELY be reimbursed by Medi-Cal
He is infatuated with the idea of being President, drunk on the potential of his power and, as a result, is willing to do anything...