Instead of annihilation, I decided a softer more gentle approach. Here is my open Christmas card to the “Concerned Parents of Hastings.”
Join with others in holding China accountable
We will all die in some version of stone cold obscurity if we let compassion die quietly. Silence Still = Death
The White House also released President Biden's statement that detailed his administration's winter plan to combat COVID
The court is signaling that we are returning to a time where “community morals” are sufficient basis for law
The anti-abortion movement is about controlling the bodies of women. It’s about controlling the bodies of trans folks and nonbinary people
Drew, who was diagnosed with HIV in the late 1980’s when he was only 23 years old, was not paid for his participation in the trial
Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles and Juan Pablo di Pace will also be performing at the ceremony
Conversations about HIV prevention, treatment, and support on World AIDS Day must center on the Black community.
This year marks 40 years since the first cases of AIDS were reported in the United States