The lives of 14,000 gay, lesbian and bisexual servicemembers were ruined by the time DADT officially ended
"He was a big gay guy with a big gay heart who loved in a very big gay way- he welcomed everybody with open arms. You...
“Community health centers are often a key point of entry to HIV prevention and treatment services, especially for underserved populations”
Participants and workers at outdoor "mega events" with more than 10,000 attendees must provide proof of vax or show a recent negative test
Our businesses must follow this protocol. This is not a choice for them – it is government mandated -- the law
Insurers should only be allowed to use your data internally to determine if you are a safe driver- Nothing more, nothing less
"No one talked about ideology or partisan politics. We all longed for and created community wherever we stood."
20 years later, that those events triggered profound changes for many people and it marked both a break and a new beginning.
"The COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective & requiring students to be vaccinated is the strongest way to protect our school community."
Country’s homophobic laws a legacy of British colonialism