I was forced to go on unemployment for the first time in my life, similar to many of my coworkers who have always worked extremely hard.
Public Health officials are saying that the Delta variant has been the most commonly tested variant in L.A. County since the beginning of June
The grants will study the use of a variety of techniques – personalized, daily text message reminders; and individual and group counseling
We must not ignore the stakes [...] When you see something that is not right you have a moral obligation to do something...
During the two intense waves of the AIDS crisis, the Black LGBTQ community often had to rely on each other in the face of government neglect.
LACDPH confirmed a new high of COVID-19 cases in a day since April with 549 new cases. Test positivity has more than quadrupled from June
First nationally representative study to examine suicide and coming out milestones among three generations of LGBQ people
We started with HIV. We developed the platforms, applied it to coronavirus. And now we’re trying to close the loop.
"AIDS is not just a Hollywood disease. And it is not just a gay disease. This is the health crisis of this century."
Progress has been made – new COVID-19 cases are decreasing, and vaccinations are increasing in hardest-hit communities.