Country's Senate will now consider measure
While some input was positive a greater majority took to social media platforms including Twitter & were uniformly negative in their reaction
New government urged to expand LGBTQ rights
Poland has seen a resurgence in the past three years of rightwing religious ultra-conservative groups in this heavily Catholic country
Poland has seen a resurgence in the past three years of rightwing religious ultra-conservative groups in this heavily Catholic country
Nazi flags- shouts of "queer out of our neighborhoods, Sieg Heil & "you're not Spanish because you're not white." Nazi hate march in Chueca
A spokesperson for the EU said its refusal to sign-off on Hungary's recovery plans is not related to the anti-LGBTQ laws.
Man who claimed he was attacked in Madrid recanted story
Poland has seen a resurgence in the past three years of rightwing religious ultra-conservative groups in this heavily Catholic country
More than 50,000 people supported citizens initiative