The resolution received overwhelming support from member states, with none voting against it. The final vote was 24-0 with 23 abstentions
President Yoweri Museveni last May signed the law, which contains a death penalty provision for “aggravated homosexuality”
Tanele Maseko taken into custody on March 28 at border crossing
LGBTQ+ news stories from around the globe including Lithuania, Georgia, Serbia, Japan, New Zealand and Australia
Activists condemn Javier Milei's anti-LGBTQ policies
Once passed by the Senate, Thailand will be 1st southeast Asian nation with same-sex marriage 36 countries have legalized same-sex marriage
Critics of Milei’s government argue INADI’s closure is part of a strategy to consolidate power and repress dissent
Marielle Franco and her driver killed on March 14, 2018
Sarah Opendi's measure mirrors attempt in Kenya
LGBTQ activists praised the ruling