For many in the state who have advocated for reform, the history of mass shootings in particular has been a focal point
Republican-majority legislature overrides Gov. Kelly’s veto to pass far-reaching ban & could put federal funding for state programs at risk
“The governor loves his family & values their perspectives. Our office will not discuss private conversations”
The ACLU of Missouri told the judge the regulations "will cause immediate, severe and potentially irreparable harm"
Creates high financial risks for doctors & health insurers- they’d stop providing or covering gender-affirming care even for adults
Removes all gendered restrictions from its uniform policy & requires additional training on gender identity and gender expression
“No person should be denied access to necessary medical care just because of their transgender status” said Assistant AG Kristen Clarke
'Disney is left with no choice but to file this lawsuit to protect its cast members [...] from a relentless campaign to weaponize government"
“I watch the news, usually with my jaw on the floor. They have lost their minds and they don’t represent this state anymore”
Eisenhower's executive order barring homosexuals from employment in the federal government was not rescinded until 1995