Approximately 200 attendees enjoyed the read-a-thon, led by the Drag Kings, Queens and Royalty of Drag Story Hour NYC at the center
The Trans Health Equity Act, passed by a 93-37 vote margin. The measure now goes before the Maryland Senate
It’s common for LGBTQ youth to stay quiet about their sexuality or identity or act out to disrupt a placement before they risk rejection
"This is a sissy bill. I voted yes but I wanted more teeth in it." Kentucky Republican State Rep. Richard White (Dist.99)
The editorial board of the Miami Herald wrote a scathing critique of the policies of Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis
Openly gay N.Y. congressman appeared on 'GMA3'
“This bill being signed into law is a beacon of hope and sends a powerful message of acceptance to LGBTQ people across the nation"
“To fulfill [Lincoln's] promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military & for their families, caregivers, & survivors”
The period between Garcetti's nomination and confirmation marked the longest stretch without a sitting U.S. ambassador to India
“I think it’s a point of extreme Republicans to run on this platform instead of solving the problems that we do have in front of us”