Cobalt Sovereign said she was assaulted by another student while leaving a restroom at a Minnetonka area high school on May 30, 2024
When asked about it being in response to Pride Month, he said it involves "no hate at all, it's a love thing"
NYC Subway to mark the role the West Village tavern and park had in launching the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement
The bakery printed out on edible paper some samples of hate-filled vitriol directed at the shoppe for being an LGBTQ+ ally
Judge rules that Blue Springs School District discriminated against former student by barring him from boys’ locker room
The case is the latest legal challenge to Vermont regulations from the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative anti-LGBTQ +legal group
The Biden-Harris administration is steadfast and committed to advancing the science, and the change in the FDA guidelines
"Once again, Republicans are attacking the trans & LGBTQ+ community with riders that harm LGBTQI+ veterans & undermines military readiness"
Daniel Bonevac, a philosophy professor and John Hatfield, a finance professor are alleging that the Federal government oversteps its authority
The proposed bill would remove “archaic” laws from the statute books, including a “walking while trans” law