The announcement by Principal Daniel W. Smith came hours after an LGBTQ group operated by students issued a press release
Congress has sent a resounding message that the nation is finally reckoning with one of the darkest and most horrific periods of its history
The commission received at least 110 email messages & over 30 phone calls from members of the community expressing strong opposition to parole
LGBTQ+ youth and advocates have railed against the legislation, with thousands of students across the state staging a walkout protest
Critics allege citizens could be held liable for tens of thousands of dollars in fines simply for expressing their religious/Christian beliefs
“By voting yes on House Bill 675, you are voting to kill me and other kids just like me,” said Eve Devitt, 16
“This step was taken to safeguard our healthcare professionals and impacted families from potential criminal legal ramifications”
"Pushaw's comments are inflammatory, offensive & hopelessly ignorant. To associate the LGBTQ community with pedophilia is a repugnant trope"
"Transgender kids are kids, and they do not deserve to be the targets of dehumanizing attacks that invalidate their identity”
The health department has provided few updates on work to repair MADAP and has declined a meeting with concerned community members