"Gender dysphoria is no different and should be treated the same; that it is not conducive to enhancing military performance or unit morale”
“LGBTQ students and families deserve to see themselves reflected in the classroom. What they don’t deserve is stigma & censorship”
"It is incumbent upon senators to give her a fair and timely confirmation without obstruction, honoring their Constitutional duty"
Administration has 'engaged directly' with vulnerable groups
Defendant admitted that he threatened mass shootings, bombings and other fatal attacks, on the LGBTQ+ community
"If signed into law, these bills will have disastrous impacts on classrooms and workplaces-They will turn Florida into a surveillance state"
An APD spokesperson confirmed to the Blade that both officers are still actively employed but did not comment further
The bill had passed in the Republican-controlled House of Delegates last week- removed the exemption for religious organizations
“Anti-LGBTQ+ elected officials are using this divisive political strategy to harm kids who are simply trying to navigate their adolescence"
LGBTQ+ advocates in Texas were outraged calling actions “disinformation, being spread about transgender people and their healthcare”