Comcast/NBC Universal, UnitedHealth Group, Duke Energy, AT&T and Walgreens – have donated to the politicians behind the "Don't Say Gay" bill
"The bills would further stigmatize LGBTQ people and limit teachers’ abilities to discuss the realities of American history"
At 87%, South Dakota had the highest rate of LGBTQ+ residents reporting those mental health conditions, compared to 63% nationally
“Here Wentzville has targeted and removed books that are from the perspective and viewpoint of racial or sexual minorities”
Derry Town Councilor, Joshua Bourdon, said he, his wife and children attended calling it a positive experience with no inappropriate behavior
The lawsuit comes after nearly a year of unsuccessful attempts to resolve the case outside of litigation, according to the SPLC
"Republican politicians are trying to score political points and pit Iowans against each other rather than address real economic issues..."
Democrats maintain a 21-19 majority in the Virginia Senate & have vowed to block any anti-LGBTQ bill that comes before them
“This bill is not about fairness in sports nor has it even been. This is an effort to further isolate transgender youth in Iowa by lawmakers"
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted workers’ need for consistent schedules in order to juggle the demands of work and home