Pablo Sánchez Gotopo passed away at Miss. hospital on Oct. 1
Statewide polling shows that 67% of people in North Carolina support protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination
“Women have been unlawfully prevented from exercising control over their lives in ways that are protected by the Constitution”
"This is a momentous occasion & I am pleased to take this role for the impact I can make, and for the historic nature of what...
Anti-transgender extremists made it their mission to attack children, spread misinformation and stoke fear to advance their twisted agendas
The idea was to make a mural that addressed pending legislation in Tallahassee that would affect the rights of minorities & the LGBTQ+ people
"The crowd was decked out in LGBTQ+ affirming clothing- the stands were completely packed. It was just so heartwarming to see"
Encircle is a non-profit organization with the mission to bring the family and community together to enable LGBTQ+ youth to thrive
The boy's mother told KREM CBS2 News that she believes that her son's gender identity played a major role in the incident
Under HB25 all Trans student athletes in grades K-12 will be prohibited from competing on sports teams aligned with their gender identity