Olivia Hill, a US Navy combat veteran, was an exemplary employee of the Vanderbilt Power Plant for a quarter of a century
“This campus allows you to be yourself. It allows you to spread your wings in the way you want to spread your wings”
"Rep. Sabatini has cultivated a reputation for extremist bills & GOP leaders in Tallahassee are increasingly embracing his extremism"
The 16-year-old junior was denied access by a teacher to female restrooms and locker rooms and told she was not "actually a girl."
The coronavirus pandemic- a top priority for health officials is clouding potential assessment of the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative
If signed into law the bill would take effect July 1 of 2022 making Florida the 16th state to ban the use of “gay/trans panic defense”
Co-president of an LGBTQ advocacy group, strongly disputes the claims that the books depict sex between adults and children
Alexus D'Marco from the Bahamas took part
The decision by DHS to discontinue the grant came just under six months after Casa Ruby filed an administrative complaint against DHS
"The treatment aimed at PHGSA by administrators is unwarranted- these students must be treated in the same manner all others are treated"