Enact legislation that would update current laws to remove “outdated, unconstitutional, and unnecessary sections of law”
In making its decision, the court referenced two recent developments that may change the legal landscape for transgender people
The New York Civil Liberties Union had filed a lawsuit challenging Blakeman's executive order on behalf of the Long Island Roller Rebels
Increased threat levels domestically included recently documented instances of homophobic and transphobic threats
“Parents should have these discussions with their own children- not have teachers.. This bill is for parents to have those conversations”
Opponents of the bill said that if the proposal ever were to become law, it would immediately draw legal challenges for being discriminatory
Over the last few years, hard-right conservatives have tried to tie library funding to whether certain books are available on shelves
"I’m thrilled the judge listened to our concerns as educators & seemed to understand that this law puts teachers in an impossible position"
Many lawmakers support keeping anti-LGBTQ+ trigger law on the books, a federal court said banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional
The trooper had been placed on restricted duty following the incident and was not on patrol during the investigation of the incident