Northam further encouraged Virginians to participate in Pride month activities to be hosted by his administration and community organizations
"We are protected by a constitution. Nowhere does it say that these rights don't apply to one group of people."
"The tragedy at Pulse rocked our community and served as a reminder of the work we have to do to uproot hate and bigotry."
"Y'all are trying to stand out. I could give a shit less about what you want and what you think you might want to be..."
Austin and other top defense department officials took part in the Pentagon’s 10th annual LGBT Pride Month celebration on Wednesday morning
Attorney representing the school system argued Cross’ actions disrupted the educational setting suspension was for that reason not his beliefs
The gay son of an immigrant mother from Mexico and growing up in Southern Arizona, he knows the obstacles and challenges facing that community
These efforts to build an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace send a signal loud & clear that Delaware is inclusive and equitable
"Honestly, I never thought a post that literally said ‘more love, less hate’ would result in this kind of backlash..."
"Jalen shattered a lavender ceiling in Texas, and it came as right-wing state legislators target LGBTQ people."