"The attack on Club Q was a horrific act of hate — the kind of anti-LGBTQ+ hate we must work to combat across the country"
Last month the Sarasota Schools Board passed a formal resolution asking Bridget Ziegler to step down which she has refused to do so
The five story building is a mix of office and meeting spaces along with its famed Grand Ballroom and is owned by the Czech government
The order protects trans students within the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit — which includes Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin
Rep Julianne Young stated it did not ban gay characters, just "acts of homosexuality," which are undefined
Town Manager Jim Gleason stepped down from his position, citing the hateful remarks about his late son, who was gay
"I do not agree with the event, the activities of this organization do not correspond to the interests of Czech foreign policy"
Wednesday’s 65-28 vote sends House Bill 68 to the Senate where it needs 20 votes to override DeWine’s veto
Left untreated, individuals with gender dysphoria can experience significant adverse mental health outcomes
Sexually explicit content defined as describing, depicting, showing or writing about sex or sex acts in a detailed or graphic manner